
Is the shark that big or is it just closer to the camera? Honest question.

PLEASE! Who in the hell would have a list like this and NOT include DUCT TAPE? For crying out loud. Tim Allen would be so disappointed.

I only read the first paragraph of your reply. From the looks of it you are either just too young to know the facts or you're willfully ignorant to the facts. Which is it? All the government agencies you mentioned are such a boondoggle it isn't funny. That's fact.

FTR - That's the Dr. not the patient.

I saw this early this morning and knew if it was posted on Giz people were going to have some fun. However, it would be worse if this "woman" came on to you.

Oh, and as far as "big money" being behind these movements. Lets compare facts and I'll prove there is more union and special interest money behind this "occupy" bunch than the Tea Party ever dreamed of. You've been watching to much propaganda my friend.

Let me say this - The "occupy" people aren't representing me or what's best for me. Understand that from here on out.

OCCUPY!? Are you serious? Let me guess. You probably "ridiculed" the Tea Party for wanting to down size the government and give it back to the people. That movement has been over-taken by thugs and anarchists for the most part. They have no message but disobedience and stopping everyday people from getting to work.

It all depends on the frequency used. Some frequencies aren't heard, but felt. Get the point? It all depends on how they want to control the crowd. Some of the frequencies can only be neutralized by an exact inverse of the frequency being used.

Those girls obviously use gadgets. What's your point? LoL

Are you serious or are you trolling? Because if you pay even the slightest attention to the news you've heard of the shootings, suicide, rapes (male and female), drug use, drug deals, lice outbreaks, STD's, defecating on cop cars and in public in general, feces and urine being thrown at cops and food vendors....

So do you set the Time Zone feature to manual?

How in the hell could you not start that video with "Danger Zone"? Don't get me wrong, I love it. To me, these guys are our real heroes but this REALLY needs a little Top Gun opening.

Amen and thank you.

What? I don't understand. LoL Seriously though, do you not watch movies?

unfathomable - Meaning, without fathom. ;)

Will it now? And just what in your expert opinion makes you think it'll fall? It makes more money daily than most companies without doing anything and just because you don't like it doesn't mean it will go away. Please!

Right you are. Logitech devices need new batteries about what, every year maybe?

All I can say is, STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM ie9 for crying out loud. That is one of the worst browsers I've ever used. It's a bloated, dysfunctional mess is what it is. My son has been on me daily to go to Chrome but I keep dragging my feet.

Can you not re-sign a new contract with Verizon and keep your unlimited data or are you month to month? With AT&T I re-sign my same contract about every year to a year & a half for a new phone and they let me keep my unlimited data. However, if I change or add something on my data plan they'll force me off of it but I