
"because we let giant corportations do whatever they want."

Slice it any way you want, but the truth is... obama has gotten almost everything he wanted passed. HIS policies are the reason we're in the position we're in now. Now, with most of his policies in place, and the economy in free fall, he wants to blame others for "obstruction" as the reason for this current mess. I

Wait a damn minute. There's porn on the internet? When the hell did that happen and why wasn't I told? :/

Well, from now on just "thinknow" before you post then. Everything should be fine.

Yeah, but everything always comes back around to one thing... PROFIT. Without it no company could stay in business. If you want to believe your company is in business to help people, that's fine. But the truth is, you have to make a profit in order to continue or else you will run out of money. Now, I'm not saying

Yeah, ain't it cool? Without the drive to make a profit where would we be? Look, like it or not, profit is the reason for drive. When people are allowed to make a profit (and keep most of it), everything else benefits. Why don't you start the revolution? Start up your company and do it for the sole purpose of

You obviously haven't been following 'Ole Larry since the success of the Matrix trilogy have you? Larry, didn't feel right being a "Larry" and had things removed to become a "Lana". They went from The Wachowski BROTHERS to The Wachowski SIBLINGS.

"Stupid is as stupid does sir." Don't know why. I just thought of Forest Gump when I saw that word. I know what you mean. Some people just have a hard time grasping the idea of having all that info at the tips of their fingers.

So, are you just assuming that anyone that's been successful did so by stealing? Is that what you're saying? I have never in my life seen such shit. So many people demonized because of their success. Why don't you try crying to this administration for it's crony capitalism. It's the one that took our tax money and

My son has a Focus on AT&T and has already updated to "Mango". Are there people out there that haven't gotten WP7.5 yet?

"I fully understand why the banks made the loans - to make money."

Dude, do yourself a favor. Take off the tin-foil hat before the damage is permanent.

"the MTV hit freak show"

And you're being intellectually dishonest or else you're uneducated to why these banks made these loans. The GOVERNMENT made them make these loans through the "affordable housing act" that really started under carter. The notion that it's everyone's right to own a home whether or not you can afford it is what caused

I restored it and nothing. No contacts to be found. Not to mention my music sounds like shit now. I'll play around with it but will probably end up deleting everything and starting from new. The problem with the contacts is major. I've collected these for 6 or 7 years and there is no way to get a lot of them back. I'm

That's what I'm not sure of. If I do that wont it put the old iOS back on my iPhone or will it just restore the information and leave the iOS?

Indeed. A person has to ask why the government was the first one's to get to the hotel room where he died and immediately classified every bit of his work after he was found dead. We'll probably never know ever thing he invented.

Good grief do I regret updating to iOS5. My music list has to be rebuilt, my contacts are all gone and I have several other issues I haven't completely figured out what the hell they are yet. I'm seriously thinking of taking this back to an older backup before iOS5 came out. Has anyone done that yet?

Is it really worth seeing in IMAX? My son wants go see it and we've never seen a movie in IMAX and I thought this might be a good one to see.

It's definitely cheaper than I thought it would be.