
Funny you say that. I just finished my last round of chemo treatments for bone cancer. Don't tell me I know nothing about it. I can also tell you this. If I had been on a government plan, my treatment wouldn't have been as good as it was and I would still be fighting the bureaucracy.

They're going to be flying cargo planes full of rubber dog shit out of Hong Kong. I'm just saying...

Wrong. There isn't one ER room in the country that can deny a person care because of the lack of insurance. So please, where and how exactly is that being denied?

I'd be willing to go fact to fact with you and see who comes out of it ahead. Are you game?

"but they are just playing catchup"


"Turns out the threat, I suppose, is markedly less than these people were yammering about."

I went through about half the comments on this page and didn't find a single one that looked at this subject truthfully. The article itself is misleading. Let's see where you people stand later on in life, if the democrats get their way, and you or a family member are denied a service because some "panel" says

That is such a stupid thing to say. Period.

What are you talking about? Nolan directed those as well. Or are you just typing to keep your fingers busy?

You want the definition of a half bridge or full bridge? Just about anybody with knowledge of electronics can tell you what they do.

What an asinine, anti Rick Perry article. And... it doesn't prove what it's title portends.

Oh, I see. I make a snarky comment and it's complaining? Why? Because it's anti govment/gubmint (take your pick) or GM? Look, if I want your opinion I'll give it to you.

That's an ignorant statement. If it's so bad at Gitmo, why do a lot of them not want to leave? Why is it that most of them gain an average of twenty pounds while there? To compare this place to Gitmo is just plain stupid.

Oh, so you can understand why they do it, just not with their own people? You wouldn't mind South Koreans? How fucking sick do you have to be to think this is acceptable treatment for anyone?

What else would you expect from "govment motors"? They'll give you what they want you to have and you'll damn well like it mister.

Could be a little of both.

The very first time I saw this I immediately asked, why would you go "underground" and away from your air support? And second, how in the hell did they know where they would come up from to be able to take out the chopper? It was a big weak spot in the movie but I still loved it.

You're sharp. Very sharp indeed.

Well, since there isn't another country around the world will step up when needed and take the lead on some of these issues. Let's face it, evil exists in the world and if no one does anything to stop it, it will get too big to stop. Yeah, I know some think we're the problem. I couldn't care less about them. Fact is