
Yeah, so what? I watched as several people jumped to their death to keep from burning to death 10 years ago. Besides, kids are tough, she is young, she'll get over it.

Yes. They are starting to film the second movie of the rebooted franchise about then. The first movie was directed by Abrams and starred Pine as Kirk, yeah, that one.

Sorry, I'm not buying it. My tinfoil hat is already on and waiting for the conspiracy theories to start. LoL Seriously though, don't you think it's a little strange that this approach is being used now, when they've never used it before? At least not to my knowledge.

The secret to getting ketchup out of the bottle easily is to not hold the bottle upside down. Hold it at an angle and lightly bump the bottom. You're welcome.

By New Year? Someone convince me these aren't doing something else in the mean time. With the velocity from launch it wouldn't take that long to reach the moon. They have to be slowing them down for something else then sending them to the moon after. No?

First of all let me say this. I would rather my tax dollars go toward exploring outer space and not thrown into the black hole of all hoaxes known as man-made global warming. While you're looking at all the other planets in our solar system, try this. Look at the history of every planet and tell me they aren't getting

Last time I checked the earth was still able to support life. Is there another somewhere I'm not aware of of?

You're right, it's all about policy. The policies Bush put in place to fight the wars is what obama used to get bin laden. Even though when he ran he said he'd do away with them. The policies in place now, effecting the economy, are obama's and it's what driving our economy into the ground. Government cannot create

Rumors are that it will. AT&T, from what I can tell, is trying everything it can do to get the unlimited plans over and done with. If I want to include a tethering option with my plan I have to give up the unlimited data. Surely they're not going to let people take an unlimited plan to a technology like LTE with

I guess Gawker has put out a memo to all it's sites telling them to go after the right. Why else would these stories be coming up every couple of days? I come here to get away from this sort of thing and to see what's happening in entertainment, not get political views for or against ANY party.

You're probably spelling it wrong.... huh?

I'm NOT saying Bush didn't make bad decisions. As a conservative I got very upset at some of the things he did (spending) while in office. However, he wasn't in control of spending. A president can't spend a dime without the approval of congress. Nancy Pelosi had control of the House starting at the beginning of 2007

I used to have a side business refurbishing audio equipment. I loved seeing the looks on people's faces when they would pick their stuff up and have everything working again. I especially loved working on and listening to tube amps. What a sound.

Strong is one thing. Over-reaching, intrusive and the nanny state mentality (to name a few) are too much. What part of "we can't continue with the path we're on and survive as a nation" do you not get. We're borrowing .40 of every dollar we spend. No government can survive doing that.

You have the nerve to call someone ignorant? What the hell are you smoking. For one thing unemployment was around 5% when Bush left office. Revenues to the government was at an all time high too. The economy is in the shape it's in BECAUSE of the policies obama has put in place. Namely obamacare. Business owners have


I thought for sure that little smiley face there was a dead giveaway. Yes, sarcasm.

Frantically looking for a thumbs up...

No, I think he's saying just AT&T is overcharging it's customer's. Verizon would never do such a thing. :)

You didn't just post a link to msnbc and expect people to believe it did you?