
Lighten up Francise, it was a joke. I guess you aren't used to "people" poking a little fun. oops, sorry.

"cut out the time delay imposed by the speed of light."

Nice novel. To spend that much time on a comment, no wonder you have no friends. Spend a little more time interacting with people and not your keyboard and you may just get a few more friends. Everything in moderation...

It boggles my mind as to how a company can release a new product this day and age knowing it doesn't come close, in specs and ability, to it's competition. If you can't run with the big dogs, stay on the porch.

I've always been the type to skip a generation of a device when I upgrade. I still use a 3GS instead of an iPhone4 (Dodged a bullet there). So this will be perfect for me. I'm just hoping it all pans out so my next upgrade is to an iPhone5, or is it iPhone4S, or IphoneA5 or... whatever. I just hope it's faster.

Keep in mind that AT&T will be letting people keep their current "unlimited plans" if they have one with T-Mo. I'm almost certain of it. I really don't see how they could get this deal approved without letting T-Mo customers keep or improve their current plans they're on.

Serious about what? Telling the truth? Maybe I belong back in the 60's because I ain't following.

Arctic Silver 5 is what you want to use when you re-flow your PS3. Sony should have used this to begin with and people wouldn't have to deal with the dreaded YLD. It'll cost you but it's worth it.

You want jobs to come back to America? I have two words for you... Fair Tax. Research it. Don't listen to what other people's opinion is of it. Make your own opinion after you truly know what it's about. It would definitely bring this country back to what it once was. Fact!

It's probably from your cat going after those dust bunnies. Sorry, just trying to help.

Really? I thought they might be for people that have to drive to a job every morning. Maybe to keep coffee stains off your clothes during a commute, that sort of thing. Whatever, you bore me, move along. Nothing more to see here.

WOW! Really? Like I didn't know that. WTH is wrong with you? Maybe I should've put a "LoL" in there somewhere. It was a joke. Maybe not a good one, but a joke none the less. Some people.

This is just crazy. The next thing you know someone will invent a diaper for adults. Wait, damn it, I just spilled coffee on my shirt.

No, no, no. I put sharing headphones up there with sharing underwear. It ain't gonna happen. I don't care how good a friend you are, you ain't using my headphones or my underwear. If you do, I'll either give them too you or throw them away before I use them again. I'm funny that way, sorry.

Hair, what hair? I don't see no hair.

I too thought he was going to place the books on top of the subs to shred them. Disappointing huh? On your side note. You're exactly right. Most people used to make whatever size box would fit in their vehicle, depending on the room they had. It makes subs sound like crap no matter how good they are. If a person knows

Well, if you want to get technical about it. It is the "bass" that's shredding the paper. The "concentrated" air flow is caused by the subs (there are 4 of them BTW) moving up and down and pushing air to the ports on the downward movement. The subs are fed low frequencies (bass) from a crossover and only respond to

See, that transporter isn't so far off after all. Scotty would be proud. On a serious note though. This is big news for future data and telecommunications transport technology. Imagine getting 1000x more bandwidth on the current fiber we're using now without having to add to or change current backhaul fiber. Just

That was eight years ago, not a couple. That's what threw me off. Being an AT&T employee, albeit not in the wireless side of the company, I was having a hard time remembering when it was close to bankruptcy. You're speaking of what led to it being acquired by SBC's Cingular and taking the AT&T name. Now we're