
So this is basically an update that a majority of WP7 users can't update to? Good lord, what in the hell is MS doing? Get the damn update out to the masses for crying out loud. Is this going to be how ever update is released in the future.

Where in the hell are you getting your news and information from? AT&T has never been bankrupt nor has it come close. It sounds to me like you've gotten some articles or stories confused and taken them as fact. Please show me a link to these facts so I can educate myself.

Oh yeah. They'll be going out of business within a couple of days I'd say. What are you smoking?

I want my damn status bar at the bottom of my screen! There, got that out of the way. So far, I haven't been impressed with IE9. I've been using it for awhile now and have noticed several bugs and missing features. Don't get me wrong. It'll be good once they finish it but as for now... It just isn't ready for prime

WOAH, wait a damn minute. You want to talk about extremes to either side let's look at what's going on with the "left" side of the political nation. Good grief man, the far left is so far out of touch with most of America and everyone sees it. Look at the polls (honest polls) and if you have a spec of intellectual

How in the hell are you being "made" to pay for NASCAR? Where are you seeing any "news" sources contributing to the Republicans? Maybe you're confusing Kieth Olbermann with someone at Fox. It's CNN and MSNBC that have anchors openly contributing to political parties. But you probably don't count that, do you?

No doubt. Not to mention if one of us were to post something this vile, bashing any liberal organizations, we'd be banned in a heartbeat. Good post.

Now that's just harsh. True, but harsh. LoL

Where did you come up with that? Of course other's outside of the US have these problems. You need to re-think your logic good sir.

OH I'm sure by the time it's all over some people will be blaming AT&T's network for Verizon's problems. I mean after all, it can't possibly be a weak design and a faulty OS. Or could it?


I'm just ashamed I'm from the same state as this bunch. Could you imagine what it must be like for the kids in that family to grow up with all that hate around them? If that isn't a form of mental child abuse I don't know what would be. Someone asked below how they get members. Well, most of their members come from

Pardon the ignorance but WTH is Light Peak? Have I missed something?

My son has a Focus and loves it. There are a few missing features he's looking forward to though. I'm just really hoping this update doesn't do more harm than good. So far though, I'm pretty impressed with the device and it's OS.

It's the pricing of these machines that dooms them. I just can't see paying some of the prices that are out there when, for portability, a netbook will do. IMO of course.

I re-signed my contract with AT&T in January because my son wanted the new Samsung Focus and I wanted a new iPhone. Both phones came with a new pair of buds which was good because we both needed a new pair. However, my son likes the buds they ship with Apple products, I don't. I like the buds that go in the ear canal,

I wonder how many times obama told them they needed to "share" their profits with their employees like he did when he spoke to the National Chamber of Commerce?

OH, that's an easy one. They'll be talking 2012 strategies. Obama wants to make sure they're all on the same page.

NM, I was going to challenge you on your assertion about The Drudge Report but what's the point? You're a liberal. I will give you credit though. At least you see the HP for what it is.

WOW! This information isn't entirely true. First of all, I have the unlimited data on my iPhone and it doesn't cost $120.00 a month. Second, there shouldn't be a restocking fee. You pay the ETF so AT&T can recover the cost of the phone they subsidized when you sign a contract. That isn't all I see wrong but it's