
Damn it man! I had this idea a few years ago but never followed through. How foolish of me.

All that makes sense but he never even brings up the fact that Apple has a problem with antenna design. I honestly think Verizon customers will have some issues too. Not because of network issues but a weakness in the iPhone's antenna design.

@airserf: - Thanks for the backup. I should have known to post a link to the article I was referencing. Even though it was in jest, some of these PC elite were going to have a cow.

@iphone_myphone: Oh, and you never once saw where I said ALL Muslims are extremists. Why do we have to differentiate between the two every time we say something. The peace-loving Muslims know who they are just as the extremists do. If someone says Muslims blew up a building, they aren't saying all Muslims did it. Any

@iphone_myphone: - You sir are wrong. The taliban DOES follow a warped form of sharia law. The stoning to death of people, cutting off hands, arms etc. The way their women are treated is very sad. But you believe what ever makes you happy, OK?

@geolemon: - You have it all wrong on why Oklahoma voted the way they did. It has nothing to do with equating Islam to the taliban and everything to do with not letting Islamic law circumvent our laws and Constitution. I know you'll call me an Islamifobic but I really don't care. Once we start letting foreign law rule

@geolemon: Good grief man. The comment was meant in jest first of all. Just poking a little fun. I can see you have a warped view of Christianity and prefer Islam but do you have to take everything as if it's serious? Lighten up, you'll find you live longer without all that hate and anger.

@geolemon: - The taliban rule with Muslim law, do they not? So please, tell me again what was mis-quoted and ignorant about my comment. It was based on fact about what obama thinks is NASA's new mandate.

@iphone_myphone: - I'll tell you what. Why don't you go to some of these middle eastern countries and "reach out" and see how long you keep your head? There comes a point when you have to say you've done all you can do. Do you really think continuing to reach out to Muslim extremists is going to get us anywhere?

@Jim-Bob-proud new owner of 3 cylinders of Geo fury!: - That is why I posted the "crap" as you put it. Why should we try to make people that want to kill us feel good? But I don't want to make "the right" look bad, now do I? Why don't you try keeping up with current affairs and you might understand some of these

@I_Like_TDs: - Let me guess. You don't keep up with the news unless it's posted on Giz? Please reference the link posted by airserf below. Maybe that'll help. But then again...

Oh good. For a moment there I thought the article was going to say obama was ordering NASA or the Air Force to give the planes to the taliban. You know, for "reaching out to the Muslim world", like he wants. What a humanitarian he is.

Hitler's scientists knew about this decades ago. That's why they were trying to develop a space station with this capability. To focus intense sunlight to just about any place in the world with the intensity to burn a city to the ground. They did have this on the drawing board.

I remember seeing this years ago when I was a kid. There's nothing new here. Except for the fact that this is now called "falling" from one tree to the next. They say history repeats itself so maybe this younger generation will learn something. I doubt it though. This younger generation has probably already seen this

@Crowdy: - Hey, the dude putting out the Lady Liberty t-shirts can use that. I like it. It's short and to the point.

@dinoSnake: - All that typing and it had NOTHING to do with my reply to your comment. Don't put words on my screen I didn't type. Re-read my reply, please. I never said anything about not wanting to be touched or scanned, did I?

@deuscaesar: - I don't know whether to laugh or cry at that comment. But, I do know this. Lady Liberty is American damn it. She got her green card a long time ago. As you were...

@dinoSnake: - Hopefully you aren't as simple-minded as your comment suggests. What part of "excessive" and "out of control" do you not understand? We, this nation, were attacked by an outside group so the government now treats it's citizens as potential terrorists until one of these uneducated bonehead agents with the

And now the lawsuit hammer of PETA will now be forced upon this company. It's lobsters people. They were put here for us to have a seafood night out weren't they? Thought so.

J Johnson looks exactly like I thought he would after reading his "bit on journalism" the other day. He looks like he has disdain for everyone, not just Giz readers. You guys and gals have to put up with that everyday huh? So sad.