
If I'm not mistaken he was the one hired to get Reeves into shape (physically) for his Superman role. It's been a few years though.

Wait a damn minute! I wake up on the 10th and now I've missed everything? I've been waiting for this day to come for like, I don't know, a long time. Now you're gonna tell me I missed it? Damn it!!!

How will our kids become trustworthy if we never trust them? I'm a single parent and I trust my son, who just turned 13, a little more than most parents would. I wouldn't hesitate to give him a credit or debit card because I know he would use it by my rules. I don't do it because I'm lazy, I do it because I've taught

C'mon Giz, leave politics out of your articles. Please. I really like this site but knowing a majority of it's writers are liberal makes me want to avoid it at all costs when I know the stories are written to support an agenda that I can't support. Why wasn't this article named "why we want you to vote a straight

"He looks like a dead fish."

Let me first say, as a species, we should do the very best we can to take care of the planet we've been given. There aren't too many people that would disagree with that, right? However, I am so very sick and tired of all these articles, opinions, news stories etc on how humans are killing the planet. There is

@TmsT: - HERE, HERE. Someone get this man his prize. I'll be damned if I saw that one coming. LoL

One of the biggest problems I see today is a lot of scientists think they know it all already and are closed minded about things others put forward if it's a little weird or strange. I personally think the scientific community needs to open it's collective mind and research more of the things we know little about no

Yes, we DO need more parents to be parents to their children and not a friend. We ALSO need to get the law out of our business when we have to correct our children. Hell, you can't spank a kid these days without some puke screaming abuse. That isn't saying there isn't a difference between punishment and abuse.

@Phrosty: - No. Thanks though.

It's a shame this guy is such a whacked -out lib. He's one of the funniest people in the business buy his outspoken politics and personal attacks are horrendous.

@—Core—: Is that supposed to be a rhetorical question or do you really want to know? Because the amount of money spent by the government in these endeavors is staggering and useless. That's what taxpayers need to know.

I don't agree with the title of the article so I didn't read the article itself. I just haven't seen people losing control when they smoke like they do with alcohol.

@GM_Pax: - First of all U-Verse isn't DSL, as you know. Sure a person could use any brand modem and/or router with any DSL service. I never said you couldn't. I also never said there was any new radical technology in AT&T's U-Verse service. I said companies use their own software/firmware in their hardware. That's

@GM_Pax: - Look dude, I know how U-Verse works. I work for AT&T. I maintain the equipment and fiber MUXs that deliver the service. What you are not realizing is that all service providers use their own equipment and therefore use their own software/firmware in said equipment so it will manage the information in a way

@GM_Pax: - You're right, there is no physical reason. There is however a technical reason. The X-Box doesn't have a way to decode the information it's receiving directly from the modem. In easy English that means the receiver formats the video, audio, guides, menus etc. into a usable signal that can be transmitted

Wait, what? So AT&T makes a new service available for select customers with an X-Box 360 and people gripe about it? What the hell? I don't remember them saying "it would change the way EVERYONE watches TV or anything like that. So not everyone is going to be able to take advantage of this feature. So what?

@Supremor: - Why in the world would this be bad for AT&T? Do you think the company will fold because it isn't the only one selling iPhones? Please, do tell...

@hopskipper: - You do know those comments were said by her when she was in high school and college. She's now in her 40's. Have you never looked back at a time in your life and thought you had some silly or even crazy ideas?

I'm surprised there aren't any comments bashing AT&T. I know it's a Verizon article but some never miss the chance to issue a good verbal flogging when they can. I'm just saying...