
@excaliburps: for sure... but it hit the point where enemies were highlighted. Becomes hard not to use that. I felt like batman, but light xray vision batman. I agree that it should be switch to more of an augmented reality dealie, possibly toggling on identification of the person and perhaps a l4d type outline rather

@mindsale: oh God, I would buy a fist sized bluberry in an instant!

@Spaceboy: honestly un-orgarnic (non-organic?) food tends to be pretty good for you. processed food is where the problems lie, but if Ive got some pesticide or whatever on my tomatos, chances are science has been involved in protecting my food and making it better for me

@MetalSonic7: might not be too horrifying if he were cleanly shaven and a bit of a punk.... otherwise yeah, fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!

@Serpent2: keep in mind theres a bit of a double standard going on right now that apples taking a bit of an advantage of.

@Rontourage: dude, it was an email. That takes like 10 minutes to pump out.

@j14: Hip with the youth of today... I LIKE IT!

Good for him. even if its just a gripe He's brought up outside of his responsibility, its' nice to see someone with a deal of power stepping up to consumer issues.

I browse 4chan a bit too much not to have a couple of these.

@draper3000: probably: turn up, say whoops, its only selecting 0.001% of phones. If you have issues you can return it for a new one.

@AdamKaoru: sorry man, dont own an iphone, but if this happened to me on my phone it would be a bit of a punch to the balls.

@JeffPom: In the very least I would pull reputable business pracitces on this one.

@djpaetkau: yep, cant not see it now...

@excaliburps: I hit the point where I was forcing myself not to use it. It was incredibly powerfull.

@mms1648: well If he were holding it just right and the antenna were struggling to connect, that could potentially decrease his battery life due to the phone working harder