
@Matt0505: software cant fix a hardware issue. It could make the issue apear less serious, but the problem will remain. the issues lies in touching the bare metal Antenna of the phone. From what I can tell the software update is more about saving face than anything...

@gonzorider: We are more powerfull than you could ever fathom.

@HeroOfTomorrow-you're holding it wrong.: I think the term might have to do with the percentage of defective phones, If theyre simple swapping out deferctive phones then for sure. If they were say secretly modifying the internals and giving those models out, then maybe.

@comm0: Sounds like a good idea to me. to give microsoft credit, they have the lulziest marketing team I've ever seen. when confronted about the RROD, they removed the lights on the newest unit. No more rings, just a red dot... means no more problem...

@Quasigizmodo: If I cut off my hand, and replaced it with a metal claw... could I effectivly amplify the signal?

@knwldg: Nailed it on the head sir!

@pixelpushing: To be fair, he has a point. I know so god damn many people with macs who bought one based on look and popularity. I dont necesarily hate the product, and I doubt he necesarily does either.

@Bruce Ostrout: honestly a fix isnt so high in my books. If they want to have a defective product then they are well within the right. What I will not accept is the lack of admitance on the matter. Clearly this has been happening.

@techguy78: however apple does have a very large hold over the iphone. He's a dictator that allows you to leave. While your there however, youll do what he wants, and only what he wants

@MazdaMania: I sir, would have to agree with you. Alot of this iphone greatness people associate with it is more out of ignorance and being with the 'in' crowd than anything.

@RobotVampire: personally, Im upset because of the denial. even if it were an issue and not caught in testing (it does happen occasionally), this should have been fixed.

@abates25: Ill be the one to both agree and disagree with you on that one. Giz (and engadget etc) definitly benefit from making news dramatic.

@tvcity6455: Why of course their interests are purely their own. They are a company and I dont doubt it in the least.

@tvcity6455: To be fair though, with google making such large advancements on others phones, and apple is getting a lot more haters that those who are using google could potentially start going elsewhere.

@theimmc: iPhone doesnt want to be with you anymore and thinks you should "just be friends".

@Trai_Dep: sorry If im a bit daft here, but when did Jobs mention the whole middleware equivalence to developing for individual platforms?

my genres of electronic music are aparently to obscure.

@Duuuuuuude: yeah, the rts thing kinda bugged me, but mainly because I almost expected a beat-em-up. Dont get me wrong though, fantastic shit