
What the hell are you recomending???

you just gotta find yourself the right stuff

we sell the non-ipad one at my work. dont bother.

kinda think possesion could still get you nailed... you know, like say child-porn or narcotics

fairly sure your spot on. Plus the legal costs of persuing an individual are far greater than most individuals warrant.

They have to call you on it 6 times. Which works out to a basically infinite number of illegal downloads if you do it correctly. I got nailed for a roommate torrenting inception, mind you this was a week before its release date.

my money has been taken

situations like these are exactly why I torrent the occasional game

Not to be an obvious dick here, but isn't saran-wrap like 5 dollars for a 100 feet?

for sure? trying to find links to clarify this

well thats not to bad then. I withdraw my statement

not exactly.

But why would you want to do that?

to be fair though.,science likes to be fairly rigid.

this just put up a roadblock for me buying this thing.

Technically, has a lot of promise. However, I'm a little bit disappointed that this is being taken as a zombie beat-em-up.

rims really good for business use, I will give them that.

un-justifiable to me. I see that amount of money and look at a more affordable options.

Sorry apple, still not convinced. nice try on the case/stand thing though, I will give you that

that would be people like me leaving the site, or using google reader due to the bloody layout.