
MMmmmmmm. Steak is delicious.

Cannot unsee!

Sorry, but that’s a fallacy.

Eating animals does not mean you abuse them nor does that mean you support abuse to animals. Quit spreading this complete and utter bullshit.

If Deep Dish isn’t pizza, then New Yorkers need to stop calling “New York Style Cheesecake,” cheesecake. Cheesecake ain’t cake, but a type of custard pie.

Sounds like a PETA member.

Sorry, but this analogy is completely off base and absolutely ridiculous.

Ummm sorry, yes you can. Why would you even think that?

Hillary will be the nominee. I’m almost 100% sure of that.


God damn, you’ve said it better than ANYONE.

Anti-gay marriage idiots? Your time is nearing the end.

I question these tomatoes. How were they picked? When were they picked? I’ve never had a great tomato (compared to one from the garden) from any mass grocery chain/Whole Foods/Whole Foods wannabe.

One example in many where food providers use the classification organic by the usda.

In this day and age. The organic label is a sham. Sorry that you fall under its spell but it is nothing more than a means for many large food places to charge more for something that doesn't truly bring any benefit to the consumer.

It’s because the term “organic” has been so twisted that it is honestly a marketing term. Nothing more and nothing less. It’s pretty much a scam.

The key point is buying local. It’s not about “organic,” because honestly it is a marketing term and a scam. Nothing more and nothing less.

Just an FYI, you’ve been eating GMO foods your entire life. In fact, all of humanity has. Get over it. Seriously. Anti-GMO’ers are almost as bad as anti-vaxxers.

Depends on the region of the world, but there are many cakes that use olive oil as an ingredient. In terms of the US, many of the instant cake mixes uses oil as it’s fat instead of butter or other types of fat. From a texture perspective, one potential reason of using oil instead of butter is in the example of