100% agree. Subway is an affront to the beauty that is the sandwich.
100% agree. Subway is an affront to the beauty that is the sandwich.
*Shrugs* I love baseball and find it exciting watch. In all my 42 years, I still don’t understand the love for football. I find it exceedingly boring. To each their own.
Anyone go to ChefSteps? Great articles there on microwaves:
She was less than 10 miles from a PP.
Not a fan of the Mormon religion, but after 6? Sorry, can’t blame Mormons for that.
Ummm. wah??? She killed 6.
Ahem.... Streamnation. Ahem....
Which makes it that much worse.
I think my age is getting to me. LOL! I’m one of the few that actually doesn’t like working in multiple monitors. I’m always lost on where my cursor is! I inevitably end up just having everything on my main monitor.
Chocolate cake and potato chips. For some reason, any time I have chocolate cake, I instantly have to have plain potato chips (regular or ruffled) on the side.
Sorry, I don’t buy it. Period.
Nope. He doesn’t have chance in hell.
Well, Chantix got me to quit pernamently. I don’t need to vape anything (well... except, ya know.) ;)
I tried 11+ times to go cold turkey. Tried easing back on cig with less nicotine. Tried reducing the amount day by day. Tried multiple cold turkey methods. None worked for me. I guess I just don’t have the “will power?”
So, looking down these comments, it appears that the “cold turkey” was the method for most. Sorry, but I tried going cold turkey over 11 times, and whether I’m weak or I don’t know, just did not work for me.
You really should bring a radio to work and blast NPR the same time he is blasting Rush. Good lord, what asshole douchebag he is.
I hate it too, but I’ll take it.
And things change. Just like Obama. Just like we as human beings do as we go on with our lives. Do you honestly believe Clinton today would support anti-gay legislation?
Terra chips are actually a brand: eg Ruffles, Lays, etc. Basically, chips with a twist. Instead of just having potato chips, Terra chips also have a mix of sweet potato chips and other starchy root vegetables fried a la potato chips. Delicious.
Lol. Dehydrate ground beef? Haven't... Yet, but it'd be fun to try. Only thing I've done with dehydration is fruit and beef jerky, but I'm intrigued by your suggestion.