
I fail to see how putting old NES games on mobile phones will make them a lot of profit. There are so many emulators and clones out there and they could only charge nearly nothing for the game. And once people played all NES games, then what? Should they start developing just for mobile and give up their most

I'm not liking the changes to her face. Her original look really caught my attention and I look at her and immediately associate her with Tomb Raider and this younger Laura. The new look is...generic? She just doesn't look right, imo.

The Acclaim South Park first person shooter that my friends and I destroyed our N64 analog sticks playing was a 5.8/10?

Because Comcept hired a woman named Dina Abou Karam to act as the community manager and designer for the game, interacting through different channels such as the game's kickstarter forum, reddit, neogaf, etc.

The "problem" is that she's a self-proclaimed feminist, she drew a gender-bent fanart of Beck (as though that

I think if you'd ask the guys at Capcom who Mega Man is, they couldn't even answer your question.

Melee is good. Project M is better. And getting better all the time.


They've done market research on their audience.

Nintendo should do a throwback to this commercial to advertise the Super Smash Bros for the Wii U.

Remember kids; you can say anything you want about white people and if they have a problem with it, they're racist.

"believe again"? I never stopped believing in the first place really... If you go in with the understanding that Kickstarter is a way to get involved in business ventures and that sometimes business ventures fail, and sometimes they don't make exactly what you wanted, and that sometimes there are delays, and that

They aren't losing a whole lot if you actually read the financial reports. The only reason they aren't going to end up with income is due to some taxes as I recall. Either way the forecast for the loss isn't the entire story. They'll end up losing less money than Sony and Microsoft for the year.

The real answer is that the Eagles aren't a bunch of dumb animals to be summoned at will. They're their own race of intelligent beings that, much like the Ents, don't really want to get too up in the shit the humans and orcs have been cooking up. The movies and books don't really go into it, but I believe a lot of the

Formula 1 is incredibly physically demanding. Many F1 drivers do triathlons in their spare time.

The difference is without TXAA, the edges of objects flicker a bit when they move, but with TXAA, it's as smooth as CGI from a movie. It's a time-based AA technique that smooths out edges that are in motion. Even with decent AA on, you'll still get a bit of a flickery effect on edges without TXAA.

Does anyone know if it's possible to undo this mod and get back the vanilla Brawl whenever the user wants?

What do you mean?

... I see not everyone got a special outfit... lol.

I've been waiting to main Samus in Project M for ages now and that Ice Beam moveset switch is fucking ace man. Fucking ace. Turns Samus's 'softer' smash attacks and aerials (the ones that shoot out bursts of flame) and changes them into straight up cannon punches, uppercuts and spike moves for kill moves when you

And in case you're debating whether or not to try this mod out, maybe it's worth talking about what it contains. Basically, the game has been tweaked to make it faster and more technical—a bit more like Melee in terms of values.