
I'll probably pick up both. Gotta have the full HD Wii U version, but portable play and new stages is great too.

I'm having a great time with Diablo 3 right now, but there's no way it beats out Ni No Kuni. I don't even understand.

How are you managing to find race in this story? I would claw at my face if I had to see life through your eyes.

Nice pointless injection of politics, and Fox News.

Eye of the beholder and all that.

Destiny's Child. It launched Beyonce's career.

Did you even read the article? I swear people see company names in the headlines, pull their pants down, and let it all fly out.

I thought the last season was awesome. Especially the console wars trilogy.

You should give Project M Kirby a shot. He's my favorite version of the pink ball since the N64 days.

It is not, but I can't justify a second handheld unless there is a significant draw to it. If you told me I could have both a quality phone and gaming device I would instantly be sold. I only gave up my Xperia Play because it was underpowered and under supported.

Is it a phone yet? No? I'll stick to my 3DS then.

I'm also going to pile on. The most exciting feature of this new generation of gaming is the Wii U gamepad. I really wish more devs would make use of it. 4v1 is freaking amazing.

Did you say the 3DS has not done as well as it needs to? That seems pretty silly. Also I think people forget how volatile the mobile market is. One day you're on top an the other you're yesterdays news. Putting all your eggs in that basket seems extremely risky.

It's not a talking point it's reality. If Nintendo's target demographic has no idea what a Wii U is there's clearly a marketing problem. Obviously there's other issues, but people wont buy your product if they don't know it exists or what it is. I own all 3 last gen consoles and a Wii U. My tastes in games is

It seems like you're speaking the language of the Nintendo hater, not the Nintendo fanboy. And quite frankly it's tiring. They have an issue with marketing. This is one of the ways they're planning on addressing it.

You're so edgy like a sharp tool. Wait no, just a tool.

That's why I said partially. Nintendo should continue to pull as much revenue from the Wii U as possible. It won't have the success of the Wii, but they could at least have it play out like the Gamecube.

They definitely blew it with marketing. Everything from advertising to the name of the console itself. There were other mistakes. I think their virtual console is poorly handled. No account for my games? This is basic stuff.

It would be a short term gain that would make stock holders happy, but long term would cause Nintendo software to devalue. They need to continue with the current price structure but have the games tie to an account instead of the device. Let me take those games to my Nintendo hardware of choice.

"[Nintendo] should consider getting out of the Wii U business, and consider going back to the drawing board on consoles."