
In both The Wind Rises and Howl’s Moving Castle they are young adults, early 20s I would say. I guess in Wind Rises we see the character through multiple stages of adulthood. But Porco’s age is contrasted with Curtis’s youth in a way that defines it more. His pigness emphasizes his middle age even more, as if he has a

Perhaps that weekly coverage can still be found somewhere ;)

Also, another reason they’re trotting out this award is because Warrior effectively said goodbye on the Raw before he died. And to make matters even worse, Warrior himself didn’t want the “Warrior Award” to serve this purpose, but to honor the unsung backstage / office employees. WWE edited his HOF speech as a

The Warrior Award, as the Ultimate Warrior himself envisioned it, was originally set up to honor the behind the scenes crew that make wrestling happen. Say what you will about the quality of the wrestling or storylines, it’s pretty impressive how the WWE is able to set up two live television shows week in and week

Unless you’re Japanese, in which case all cartoons are “anime.”

You can’t do one cause he was so good.

The ultimate problem with this article is that it fully admits that Anime is a medium and not a genre and yet sits in one genre lane for the most part. There are lots of quiet, low key, low stakes slice of life anime that I think would’ve been more fitting for Sean’s taste. Beck was one I immediately thought of when I

One thing to note is that Avatar is written and animated for the English language, as opposed to being a Japanese cartoon dubbed into English. So the awkwardness is more due to it being a pilot than to anything else. It definitely improves quickly. You might want to skip ahead a bit to get a better taste for it.

But if you liked Mononoke, then you might as well do Nausicaa and the Valley of the Wind for more Miyazakian epic fantasy. If you were lukewarm to SA, then I suspect My Neighbor Totoroor Ponyo or Kiki’s Delivery Service wouldn’t do much more for you either.

Sean, you might try Princess Mononoke next after Spirited Away. I suspect that one was most people’s gateway to Miyazaki, and probably remains most people’s favorite Ghibli film (though mine is still SA). Its Miyazaki in epic fantasy mode, though its fantasy elements are a lot less anything-goes than SA and

Anybody else just want to give Jimmy Kimmel a hug?

Hahaha just you wait we just got to June.

Legacy has been killing my wife and me. We just “unlocked” the April challenge, and it’s infuriating.

Hahaha, we’re currently making our way through Pandemic Legacy, it’s fun! It’s tough but man do you feel awesome when you win.

Me after one play of The Grizzled: Is it even possible to win this game?

Yeah but at least its co-op, It tends to lead to less fist fights then Monopoly

He has been playing board games since he was old enough to have any interest(around 3) and has been playing Pokemon CCG for a couple years now. Its also in his genes, both me and my wife are gamers.

I like Codenames but I usually freeze and overthink clues.

Hey once you get your first win after 5 or 6 plays you feel great!

Almost forgot: There’s a print and play My Little Pony version of the popular mechwar dystopia game Scythe: