
I’d like to see more numbers, but my hunch is people signing 7 year car loans are not getting 1% interest. I know of several coworkers with interest in the teens.

My kid eats them from the top down, to get all the glaze first. Smart boy

Yes! That’s exactly how I feel about my air compressor. Sure the problem will go away for 2 grand, but will that make me 2 grand happier? Probably not.

Yes. There’s next to nothing taught in US schools about financial responsibility. I hate seeing young people buying a new car when they get their first job because they think they need/deserve something nice. When you start a job and your coworkers are driving nice cars, some people think “If they can do it, then I

I enjoy reading David Tracy articles because I am a really cheap bastard (I’ve been driving in the south with no A/C for 3 years even though I can afford the repair), yet I feel like a normal person when I see the even more extreme version of myself.

And she named it Maude.

The court is sideways. The camera angles are not helping. I can’t figure out where he’s shooting from.

I can’t figure out what this is saying Musk predicted, and I don’t have access to the original. Can someone please clarify?

I get sick mostly when I sit toward the rear of the vehicle. Even if I’m in the front seat, I cannot look at my phone for more than a few seconds at a time. I prefer to drive for this reason.

Good guide, Tom.

It’s one of those things where whichever one you see first seems to be right.

Do people bring their keychains on an airplane?

Do people bring their keychains on an airplane?

I can’t figure out how Grichuk moved up on a fielder’s choice.

All of these vaccination articles make it seem like I should be scared of the measles even though my kid had the shot. Am I supposed to avoid hippie kids, or will my son be alright?

That woman in the picture up top is yelling into the bullhorn. Why do people always yell into them? Don’t they know the purpose is to make your voice louder. Either yell, OR use the megaphone.

The article did not do a good job of clearing up who was in the pictures.

Which jerks? The school or the students?

If it had seats, I could see a limo company in a rural area buying it. For half the asking price, I could see a limo company installing the disco ball.

2nd: It’s possible a lot of the people interested in the model S were more interested in it being electric than “luxury”. That, or they already have an S, since there hasn’t been much updating of the car.