
Thats good to know. I feel reasonably confident in their data protection policies as they are stated, even if their extensions are a bit permissive.

You too! It sounds like your users have been a special kind of hell lately.

I know what you mean. My org is sending out reminders constantly. We are all still mostly remote, but there are a few techs onsite in our buildings and I have to go in occasionally. Sometimes I see these people not using masks or taking any precautions and it sends me into a nervous breakdown.

I need to reschedule a dentist appointment before everything gets shut down again.

I am in the same boat, for basically everything.

Starting to see some faint rays of light that will alleviate my workload, but not enough for me to get my hopes up yet. Software releases can get pushed back and don’t always work as intended. Plus, I may just be trading one devil for another.

Caught a hammerhead shark the other day. That was super fun to pull that monster out of the water.

Happy birthday!

Thankfully, I pushed this through back in February using the IRS free file. It was a headache of an afternoon but worth it. I could see where a workplace deciding to not send out the required forms would hamper that though. I also used this time to pay down more on my student loans. I managed to get two of them gone,

Don’t feel bad for freezer pizza. There is nothing wrong with it at all! Don’t succumb to the pizza shame.

Thanks kate. I’m def glad that I have a short week this week and next.

Was talking with my partner yesterday about how there is still is that compulsion to go out and do things, despite seeing all these people going out without masks and doing things and having contact and what not. It totally sucks and we want to do the same, despite knowing that its completely terrible and that we are

Chair Fucking Simulator | PC

This one was harder. I struggled for a bit to come up with something. But for the boy from a 5 letter place, I made it happen.

Gotta give it up for the day drinking

My in-laws have a pool, which is nice to go in when we’ve gone over in the past. Relaxing in pools is always a bit weird for me though. I took to water like a fish, did a lot of water sports through Scouts, and swam competitively for years. Just sitting and relaxing in a pool seems so anathema to me, like I feel like

congrats everyone!

Just wrapped up Sonic Mania. It's such a fun game. The backlight I order for my gameboy came unexpectedly, and I was under the impression it was an entire backlit screen, not just a backlight. My screen has some significant damage and I need to figure out how to replace that. Anyone know of any hardware modders out

When you think about the movie though, the idea that Warner Bros wants Chistopher Nolan to want you to do something is VERY on brand for the movie.

The weekends bring very little relief for me for the past month. I don’t know if that will change soon or not. Starting playing through Sonic Mania again, such a fun game. I’ve got some others to go back to if I wrap that up, but I’d like to do some Mania mode run throughs using Mighty the Armadillo and Ray the Flying