
The Atlas is nice, but apart from the vehicle itself, EVERYTHING involving allocation, production schedule, and everything surrounding the Atlas has been a huge clusterfuck, including VW using atlas allocation as leverage to ensure dealerships play along with their shit after VW screwed them the last two years. Don’t

So they were okay with selling the PT Cruiser at 10k over sticker when it first came out but now it’s gone too far?

Torch, we here at my VW store wouldn’t ban you. We’d take so many pics with you and have you autograph so much shit you might wish we had.

Ex wifes car died in the garage while she was packing after I had just served her divorce papers and kindly asked her to remove every shred of evidence she existed from my house. Wasn’t my car but it still was about the most unpleasant breakdown experience I’ve ever had. Took her four days to get it fixed all while

They might kinda end up dead. Also, you’re a sack of shit. You’re a complete sack of shit who is okay with the idea of women and children potentially being killed. You’re a terrible person.

When we get a new guy, we send him to get the tire stretcher. We don’t fucking torture them. And yeah, you set a dude on fire, then pressure wash him, congrats, you boys just did torture 101.

I forgot about the salesman watching porn on his computer on the showroom floor.

Dude. It’s terrible. It’s great. It’s the best worst shit show you’ll ever see.

I sold a hooker (escort, excuse me) and her daughter a car. Ended out dating daughter. Broke off relationship. Solidified the break off by letting my boss buy me about 16 Jack and cokes so I’d call her up and find out how much her mom charged.

Also, yes, dealers do make the mistake and end out owing customers more money. All the time. Rebates are a bitch like that. You just never hear about it cause... why would You? I rewrite people all the time where we lower their payment because we catch a new rebate or incentive.

You know... this happens a fair amount. If it’s a mistake, we say hey, we screwed up. That’s on us. But, being in a state that allows spot deliveries, many people leave without the financing anchored, most commonly subprime. We write them at a conservative APR estimate. Half the time, we get the target APR, half the

It’s not quite revenge as im sure I probably deserved the guys rage. As I’ve said before, I sell cars. I haven’t mentioned that I changed careers to something less violent after getting badly injured or that I also took care of my grandma for the last three years of her life. It was a day in early September out here,

I have worked with some former sex workers who’d disagree with that slavery statement.

I have 2 2015 Fiat Golf Carts on my lot off Lease. One for 9k, the other for 10k.

You’re right. But... who the hell is that stupid to do this crap? Dude, im getting paid for driving a car for two years. I’m profiting off it. I’m not going to do ANYTHING that potentially fucks with that. I work for a VW dealer and got within an inch of leaving the manufacturer, like passed the drug test at a Ford

Buy from a Toyota dealer, that way it shows u nder Toyotas annual sales. That’s how you really fuck with VW.

They didn’t anticipate this level of dipshit. This would have violated the terms of all the buybacks in the past, so I can’t blame them for telling this idiot to pound sand. If he really wanted to fuck with VW... he should have taken the money and bought a Toyota.

That’s all good in theory, but without the dealers, except for the fixed pricing manufacturers, customers really have no power. You either pay full sticker, or pound sand. I talked to a couple of the managers at a Tesla point and we were talking about TrueCar. With Tesla, you either pay full sticker (profit margins

The 1.4t and 1.8t are a lot better. next time our in the market, remember we killed the good ole 2.slow.

It destroys profit. there is nothing like it for buying anything else. TrueCar deals lose thousands from the beginning. you don’t buy washing machines or houses that way. TrueCar as a company is fucking terrible for the car business.