VW Max

Wait… so in California, if you have a car, even a non-functional car, that you are not driving and which just sits in your garage and never moves—they want you to register it? A car which is basically a very large doorstop? What happens if you just, you know, don’t?


CA is weird about cars.

This is exactly the sort of bullshit I come to Jalopnik for to escape from reality.

INAL: Steam hasn’t walled the device/OS (PC) though. The unique part of Apple is that (to a reasonable extent) iOS is walled by the AppStore, and that AppStore is walled by their payment processing. (Something that I do not believe is even present in OSX).

And therein lies the rub: they don’t allow any alternative approved processors, either, positioning themselves as the sole arbiter. There’s a middle ground that doesn’t require engaging in monopolistic greed or turning over the keys to the kingdom entirely, but even that responsible middle ground would cut into their

Not sure why that matters at all. People and companies are allowed to change their minds

And no third row? I was like “well, maybe” until I got to that spirit-crushing picture with the hatch open. The third row is what makes these cool!

“My City Is Upset And Told Me To Get Rid Of My 4,000 Hyundais In 2 Weeks!”

Man, that’s too bad about the cars on that one. Would have been cool for Mazda to sell them at like half price with no warranty, but I am sure the lawyers squashed that idea.

I know I’m sounding like a broken record, here, but until Samsung approaches the level of support Apple provides—my original 2015 iPad Pro is still getting major OS updates—even if it has better specs and a cheaper price, I’m going to stick with Apple.

Nah, the Goldwing is like the Mercedes S class of the bike world. Tech gets added to the G’wing and then trickles down to the rest of the lineup. It’s expensive, big, comfy, and sorta quick. You want the biggest and baddest shit on this bike. 

Maybe you can get management to sign off on it as a story expense like with the Changli, if not then it’s GoFundMe time! Working on an American badged Italian motored Austrian built minivan unicorn in the Midwest, story has a lot of potential.

Honestly the issue isn’t the hardware, it’s the software. Android for tablets and subsequent development for android tablet apps is just years behind iPadOS

Counterpoint; the 5-door Golf was THE pure form of the Mk4 VW. The Jetta had only pale echoes of details like the Golf’s swooping haunches formed by the parallel cutlines between the rear doors and the bumper/hatch/taillights.

I may not be able to tell if the car is operable from Public property.“
This is a good public servant doing his duty and not being an ass.

I genuinely have to compliment you for taking up this challenge. Instead of whining and trying to file complaints and doing everything possible to not have to comply, you worked really hard to get this done and make everyone happy.

I am a huge fan of Torchy’s doodles for reasons I can’t explain.

The average American doesn’t have a spare $500 in savings for an emergency expense, but sure just go buy a $3,000 car. 

Correct headline: idling in traffic with your windows down in developing countries with minimal pollution controls increases your exposure to pollution (which may or may not be a meaningful increase that has health outcomes because we didn’t test that).