
A lot of companies do this across many industry verticals. Sucks but that's profit margins for ya!

You have no evidence they cheated the test. Find some or stfu.

I’m fairly certain that every manufacturer makes damn sure their cars are set up perfectly when those records are set. It isn’t just VW that is trying their best to optimize a car.

Cue the pointless, unending argument as to whether this lap “counts” or not due to the tire compound, the suspension camber, the ECU tune, the octane rating of the fuel, the type of paint on the car, the air temperature/humidity, what the driver had for breakfast, the number of squirrels in the surrounding area at the

Dang son, that’s some serious salt for so early in the morning.....

Gov’ts are a necessary evil.

VA has some weird middle ground. If Big Jim fails me, I can take it to get fixed wherever I want and return to Big Jim to have it re-inspected for $1, or I can go to a different guy, lets say Little Mac, and have it inspected for $16 since I’m convinced Big Jim is lying. Well if it turns out he was, I get refunded my

Every time I read a story about the inner workings of fb, I seem to get more & more disgusted with who they are and what they do.

I have one. The engine is butter but the chassis is a pig. I haven’t driven a newer GTI or R but I would hope the handling is vastly improved. I do think the MKIV R32 is still the best looking GTI derivative ever though.

I think they all have a place in my heart.

Mk1: The beginning! Without this one, this wouldn’t even be a question.

Mk2: An improvement on the first one, probably the most iconic one, if you ask me. Slightly better looks, too.

Mk3: Not really as iconic and rarely remembered but looked killer lowered and blacked out. While

Ive seen to many people get burned by a “slightly modified car.” Its not even worth it for one second. There is NO way to tell what the person did before you. I ALWAYS buy my cars from non enthusiasts or the elderly when possible. Enthusiast are the worst.

Say what you want about nostalgia, but the real answer has to be now. All the modern safety, amenities, room and power are a really great combination.

All of them

Know a sure-fired way to become a millionaire?
Have a billion dollars and start an airline!
[old industry joke]

That’s what my family did for a trip recently. It was a short trip and everyone dressed casual and we only used backpacks. And we fedexed our laundry home leaving us for gifts which...only fit into the backpacks. It was fantastic.

I carry a purse and nothing else. Sometimes I’ll go with a bigger bag to carry my makeup and/or other stuff that could break down when my luggage gets hurled through the air, but only if it will fit under the seat.

It’s actually a very well-documented phenomenon in behavioral economics. We (people in general) don’t care how we’re treated, so much as we care about whether we are treated differently. It’s true in just about everything - it speaks to our collective sense of justice and fairness, which is what effectively allows us

Bring back free checked bags and people will use it.

What kind of asshole gets mad that some people are getting to sit in first class and he’s not?

My only advice: If you have a fucking carry-on, you must exit the plane after everyone else. The biggest time suck of the whole experience is waiting for people with carry on luggage. This would in turn create less carry-on traffic altogether.