
A lot of companies do this across many industry verticals. Sucks but that's profit margins for ya!

Tell that story to the 13' STI I walked In my 04' R. The lack of general knowledge lends a hand in the stupidity thrown around in these comments sections. A decade, sometimes 2? get real.

*A common problem with Ford gearing. I hit 60mph in second gear at 3k Rs. (limiter is 7K)

tru Jalop son

NO one is building cars that pretty today. The designs just keep getting better and better.

you dismissing FWD racing is fucking infuriating. get the fuck off of this comments section if you don’t like it or understand it.


I saw a brodozer coal roll an outside restaurant at a stop light while I was walking by. Most offensive thing ive seen in awhile. My immediate reaction was to run after him and kick his ass.

because I live in IL. You can connect the dots from there. Our govt. takes and takes and takes. Then when its time for taxes, they take some more.

They aren’t “state inspections” they are “state mandated inspections.” Neither of which we need more of. Anytime the sate or govt. is involved there is a lot of wasted time and a lot of wasted money.

At least the inspection isn’t through the state.. so you can get around it. In IL, the most trusted govt. of all the sates, they are responsible for administering an emissions test. This is one of the biggest time sucks of our great people and one of the biggest waste programs we have.

HAHAHA now im an idiot. Please, tell me more. *popcorn.

You are taking my arbitrary statements and making it a personal vendetta against your self. this is hilarious *popcorn.

This movie was way ahead of its time, and is more relevant now then ever. The amount of advertising we are subjected to on a daily basis is astounding.

Terrible reason. If you care about the “shame” of tearing into a pristine example, then your plan from the start was to build a shitbox? I don’t know of many people who’s goal was to build a shit box. It just turns into a shit box after you realize the previous owner cut every corner possible.

that's a golf, not a GTI. Boy if I had a dollar for every time I heard that.....

Ive seen to many people get burned by a “slightly modified car.” Its not even worth it for one second. There is NO way to tell what the person did before you. I ALWAYS buy my cars from non enthusiasts or the elderly when possible. Enthusiast are the worst.

People like you would be the problem. lol u think this is an issue of rushing to stand at the carousel? its not.

stock stock stock stock stock stock stock stock stock stock stock stock stock stock stock stock stock stock stock stock stock stock stock stock stock

I never said everyone needs to check their bags. You just have to wait until everyone else is gone to access your shit.. and what does you getting bags down for people have to do with anything? Do you want a medal?