
When “not lynching” is the upside, I don’t even know what to say. I’d like to say that there’s nowhere left to go but up, but I’m not sure I believe it. This election season is making it hard to not give in to cynicism and just watch the world burn.

I think you hit the nail on the head. There are also just evil, hateful people among us such as this fucking Twatwaffle.

That is some excellent police work, for real. This guy deserves for everyone to see him and know what a POS he is.

I saw the bits about the gorilla mask and the banana and I was like, “ugh, this fucking guy.” And then I saw the bit about the rope and I was all like,

Oh, and bonus transphobic comment, too! “This is who I am; I identify as a gorilla.”

Would probably be the first time he’s touched a book.

Did they do that? I haven’t watched. I am afraid to.

I believe it’s mentally more taxing to look inward and direct energy towards progressing in work, life, or relationships. So the cretins among us opt for the path of least resistance... and don gorilla masks.

That’s what I thought too, but he tied a banana to the rope to make a “lure” type thing. So yay it wasn’t for a noose at least? :/

I love the end of the livestream I saw where the cops pull his mask off in front of everyone and then basically parade him in front of the people he was antagonizing. The kid looks TERRIFIED and it is sooooo very satisfying.

Yyyyyyuuuuuuupppppppp that part stood out to me as well.

Nothing gives me as much pleasure as knowing how much President Barrack Hussein Obama chafes their asses. They can refuse to call him president and check his papers but he is still in charge!

I keep thinking to myself, “oh, there’s no way that people can display any worse behavior than what has already been displayed in this election cycle. Nothing shocks me anymore. We have reached peak Asshole Behavior.”

I was about to ask “why a rope” then realized I didn’t want to know because I can guess.

Last sentence is everything.

So many Americans are proud of being absolute pieces of shit. I truly hope this incident follows the fuckhead around forever and for fuck’s sake get him out of Public Safety. He clearly doesn’t give a fuck.

Rettke is studying public safety.

He Who Shall Not Be Named has made them bold! There’s no shutting this down in our lifetime. Progress in this country is two steps forward, one step back and this right here, is a step back, the backlash to the incredible leap forward that was Obama.

the university near where i used to live had an incident last week where two black students woke up to find racial slurs written on their dorm room doors. It is being investigated I am told.