
Did the piano man tell him that his wife was the most beautiful woman in the world, thus Trump was by association the most powerful man in the world? Did he tell him that he envied his thick hair? Or that he hoped to someday be as much a self-made man as Trump?

Damn! I missed them all and they (the ones I can see now) are so good.

perhaps. honestly, most of my intent was to see how many piano puns i could jam into his priggish behavior.

You’re giving him way too much credit here, what you’re describing (paying less for subpar/late service) is pretty standard in business dealings. Trump just shorted the guy because he knew he could, not because anything was lacking on the piano man’s end.

+1 Great Egress

one the keys to understanding how president circus peanut deals with people that he has contracted, is that he treats their goods and services like a normal person treats tipping at a restaurant - if he feels as though the level of service he demands has fallen flat, he does a little song and dance and simply pays

The United States of America, however, is not a real estate development company. If a real estate company defaults on its debts and its creditors lose money, that’s their problem. If a bank fails as a result, then it’s the FDIC’s responsibility to clean it up.

The government doesn’t work like that. Right now,

That line needs to go on the list with “I’m a nice guy” and “I hate drama” of statements that indicate the exact opposite about the person making them.

You’re right, but the maddening thing about these type of “little guy” supporters of people like Trump is that it won’t matter. We had it here in Canada with Rob Ford - the guy’s family owns a multimillion dollar company, yet the “little people” saw him as one of them. If only someone could catch Trump smoking

You’re underestimating how much his supporters REALLY REALLY want to have brown people know their fucking place again.

PT Barnum has the explanation

Here’s a hint: They don’t give a shit about the little guy either, they care only for themselves (which is still ironic, considering they - lower and middle class voters - will suffer the most under his proposed tax policies).

It’s because in their heads they’re always the stealers, never the stealees.

yet, his favorite line is “believe me.”

I think most of them are past that, they just won’t vote for “Killary” no matter what. The Trumpettes I know aren’t even making excuses any more and admit that he’s a terrible choice.

Trump is such a con artist. It’s amazing he’s taken it all the way to a Presidential campaign and people still buy it.

But look at what a brilliant businessman he is. He essentially “negotiated” a deal that got 30 grand knocked off the price of those pianos, and there was nothing the poor chump could do about it!

If only things like this would break through some of the cognitive dissonance and get some of his Merica! supporters to see that he doesn’t care for the “little guy”, and thinks they are a bunch of saps.

He’s just keepin’ it real! By, um, uh...................

So, wait, you’re saying when ol’ Donnie signs a contract, he’s not telling it like it is??