
I was literally thinking the same thing when reading this article. It must have been nerve wrecking for her to compose that statement while acknowledging the potential backlash. She slays so hard, yass queen 🎀

This is a terrible TERRIBLE problem in America and I am happy for any attention she brings to this issue.

I think if you’re a white person wondering how you can help the situation, not being silent is probably the best thing you can do. If you hear a friend or family member or fuckin anyone - a cabdriver, whatever - say something racist, call them on it. Don’t let that shit slide anymore. I’ve stayed silent too many times…

... Who’s pretending she’s leading the way?

+1 glass of Lemonade

Than I remembered that horrible video of the woman in the car when a cop shot her boyfriend.

Love you Serena! I ain’t sorry

Pretty fucking bad, though there are also probably other labor issues at hand, mainly understaffing. I’ve been trying to find out who the guards are represented by (usually it’s AFSCME), but my google fu is off today.

Is Alabama one of those states that still has chain gangs? Cause if that’s the case pretty damned fucked up.

You know, I used to be a fucking moron and believe that prison inmates deserved what they got. I was, like, 12 at the time.

A mile later you get pulled over for “distracted driving.”

Every time one of my acquaintances shares that nonsense on Facebook, I want to scream, “This is the propaganda your history books warned you about!”

Okay, sure, but what about the ones who are in prison for a possession charge? Or the falsely accused?

Well said.

That well known human Marijuana...

How much better could our society be if we treated prisoners not only like human beings but actually like citizens? We expect them to serve their time and then rejoin society, but we completely dehumanize them the entire time they’re in prison. What purpose does that serve?

Forget videos of officers playing a game of basketball with “city youths” or pretending to pull black people over but handing them ice cream, this is how you build community trust and put skin in the game.

How fucked up does a prison have to be in Alabama that the guards give a shit about the inmates?