
Portland is one of the whitest cities in the country and somehow labels itself as “quirky and diverse” but that’s really only for white people.

Stamos would come into our restaurant and sit at the bar waiting to be noticed, then leave when he realized no one was going to talk to him. Wouldn’t pay the male bartenders the time of day. Also dressed like shit

I’m having some strong skepticism that the “declined to press charges” decisons by employees weren’t encouraged by the employer.

Everyone thinks Moisturizer Gloves is the serial killer, but it’s obviously Public Bathroom Straightener. 

May I nominate Jessica Lee?

Buttered brioche bun, not a biscuit. 

Because teenagers have underdeveloped brains and don’t fully understand long term consequences?

I really wish there was some sort of sports and politics combo to discuss this madness further! Or one take on it on the sports page, and another on the politics page!

Jezspin forever

Out: gender reveal parties

I usually root for child stars in general because their lives are so fucked up, but this one has run out of excuses. Who says “you don’t have to be gay” like it’s some terrible runner-up prize you settle for, and then claims to be a proud member of the community afterdeciding” she’s straight again? I just kinda hate

She’’s replaying her treatment of black folks (her “ghetto” phase) for the LGBTQIA+ community. She used the people/culture for her image and moved on with no consideration. She is the King of the culture vultures.

It has always been my priority to protect the LGBTQ community I am a part of.

...shes one of the most tone deaf artists out there. Just jumps on any and every cultural trend/thing she can hijack. Why is she saying this dumb archaic shit like every lesbian is just a scorned woman

Whew...Liam REALLY dodged a bullet. Well, insofar as his marriage to Miley lasted only 5 minutes...

Miley was co-opting queer culture to make a buck. Period, end of story. 

You hated 5SOS’s latest album? I would argue that was their best one! I like the new one, I’m optimistic that they’re settling into their sound - or they’re at least making the music they’ve wanted to make all along.

More Mexican punk, fewer interchangeable white guys!

I the Summer Days video. I don’t even care if they’re pandering to older women.

Man I was really hoping it would turn out to be a cover of “Easier” by Mansionair!