
I’m from Lepage’s town, and voted for him twice absentee (voter fraud, registered there and here in NYC). The liberal handing out of welfare with no job requirements has made Maine a place for the leisure class of drug criminals. Lepage is accurate.

(Kermit meme.)

I have a chinaman neighbor with and older jap Skyline. Beautiful, let me tell ya.

Well, Clarkson sure went full retard when he punched a producer in the face.

True story.

Clarkson must be getting senile. He thinks regular GTR is 5 stars and track edition is 0 starts which is idiotic to say the least. Why would you take a track edition GTR and ride over manhole covers with it? Retard. He also thinks Q30 is a tarted-up Datsun when it’s not even a tarted-up Nissan but rather a tarted-up

None of those are convertibles with silver interiors. Apple and oranges.

Normally I would call this a hot take, but I actually agree here. It’s not a dunk during a game and the dude has a head start against someone just standing under the rim. Its more like, “hey let me dunk on you real quick for my twitter”.

I don’t get it either. It seems the guy dunking in the video is just slightly more competent then you at it. Only happens in perfect scenarios and wouldn’t actually happen in a game.

Please can someone explain to me why this is interesting?

So it can blow the doors off of literally anything you will ever pull up next to at a stop light, seats 4 comfortably, can drive itself on the highway, it costs pennies to fuel, and is made in the USA? People will bitch about anything.

Not for these specifically, no. I can tell by your username that you’re in no way biased :)

“Better school”? The Wolverines are a top 5 program, have a coach with strong NFL ties, play in the biggest stadium in the country and have a huge nationwide fanbase. Michigan is also respected academically, unlike Alabama and Clemson. What’s “better than Michigan” mean to you? UCLA or something? I’m confused as you

Anyone else think these kids act like a bunch of bitches? Seriously... turning down a guaranteed college scholarship and a chance to play D-1 Football because someone thought you went to a fucking BBQ , was trying to be nice and sent you a thank you note?

By assuming a logistical and common sense choice of where to sell in whole or parted out a stolen vehicle due to the pure nature ofvthe lack of systems for tracking and recovering stolen vehicles in some way is a slander or prejudice against the people who are ethnically descended from that area.

Trump is an idiot and so are you.

Nothing racist. I never said who was stealing it,just where it was going because thats what happens down here. Dont push your racist feelings on me you dick.

Suburbans are great for insurance scams, take it to the southwest, park it in a crappy part of town while you go to lunch or something and leave the windows cracked and boom shes stolen and across the border to mexico.

It was less weird before the media convinced everyone that their children will be abducted and sexually abused if they are left alone for more than 30 seconds.

I get it. The internet is one giant dick measuring contest where everyone tries to post something funny to generate +1's to stroke their ego, but a child was killed here so maybe stop thinking about yourself for two fucking seconds and have a little respect.