
Horrendous call

Or...or...counter-take...Trump has a point? If Kaepernick doesn’t like the luxuries, advantages, salary, opportunities, etc. that he has received as a US citizen, he can leave and see how he likes it.

Wait - 67 people shot THIS WEEKEND? Sweet Jesus.

Criminals don’t follow laws. There was some number a few weeks ago during an above average violent weekend (it is hard to even type that) that something like 50 of the people shot had over 700 arrests between them.

What stereo types does it confirm. The stereo type that these two guys are dumb and killed an innocent person?

Homey on the left does not look like he’s playing with a full deck of cards.

they def are as responsible. do you really think the democrats care about the people? hasnt enough fully democratic cities, like philly chicago and detroit, shown that they have no idea what theyre doing either? dont you think with all the shootings happening everyday in these cities that the cops will become

In Florida the standard is “operational physical control,” not “driving,” to secure a conviction for DUI. The case law (while always a little fuzzy around the edges) indicates that if a person is in a position to operate the vehicle they can be convicted of a DUI. Sleeping in the driver’s seat with the keys in your

Yeah, she keeps that shit behind closed doors like the rest of us!

A bunch of black ministers are now the final arbiters of what is good for all Black people in America now? By that logic which White religious leaders get to decide what is acceptable for all the White people then?

He’s kind of right about the fact that Hillary Clinton would be in jail if she was anyone else- considering, um, you know, that JAMES COMEY THE FBI DIRECTOR HIMSELF STATED THESE EXACT WORDS, “IN ANY OTHER SIMILAR SITUATION, THIS WOULD HAVE LED TO CRIMINAL PROSECUTION, BUT IN THIS CASE, WE DECIDED NOT TO PROSECUTE”.

You do realize that we’ve had eight years of a “historic first black president” don’t you? How’s that shit working out for you constant race-hustlers and race-baiters? How’s that “hope and change”? Where’s the outrage against the insane levels of black-on-black violence and the destruction of the middle class under

I will not get into a pointless tuff guy internet shouting match with you because it like you are both beneath me but since you like posting things i feel it is only right to post a rebuttal to your post:

Let’s also not forget that the Chicago Police Department has been, for the better part of the last 12 years, been running an interrogation and torture site. All while under the control of the Democratic Party, and disproportionately affecting black and brown victims (as usual).

You missed off the Clinton calling black kids super predators bit.

Both major parties are two sides of the same white supremacist coin.

I am glad to know that you consider yourself a seamen. Bill Clinton has in fact doubled down on his insistence that his 1994 crime bill was a good thing and was in fact extremely indignant towards Black Lives Matter protesters about the topic earlier this year. I have opened the door for you now go fetch.

Wait, are we talking about the same war that Hillary voted for? If Bush et al were lying and full of shit, wouldnt you think her husband would know that given he had recently been in a pretty important job? So if she knew they were lying, she was gutless to vote for it and say nothing. If they werent lying, then

“But this bullshit equivocation of Democrats as equally guilty for this ongoing police state is laughable to people who have been paying attention to the political landscape for the last forty years.”

If you’re going to do this, you need to take your keys and hide them under a rock somewhere or in the wheel well. Prove that there is absolutely no intent to operate the vehicle. Better to sleep in the back seat too. I think some cops would still be dicks and charge you if they thought that they could prove that you