
What possible motive would Strawberry have other than trying to help a buddy out?

Who gives a fuck

What I take away from the Rio Olympics is that our media is a bunch of fucking idiots. They sold these games (this site included) as being an abject failure long before they ever began, yet somehow the people of Rio were able to pull off what appears to be an amazing event with very little incidents. How can the media

all show, no go.

Are you ignorant or just plain stupid? How many people do you think have been killed over the centuries in the name of the Pope?

Come on dude, every fucking country has commited atrocities across their history, every one of them. Let’s put aside that bullshit for 2 weeks every 4 years.

What kind of monster beats a dog?

Grobe: “Gentlemen, we have a problem with a football player.”

You dog people make me sick. You act as if he hit a child. Go get mad about a real issue.

Draw a couple dongs on it, and boom, you’ve got equality. Should be good to go then.

No, that’s Nissan. And Lexus. And Toyota. And Honda.

It's you, fam.


Also Lochte peed on a gas station

If we are going to hold two separate events for men and women, then we have to have some distinct dividing line between who is “a man” and who is “a woman.” It may not be fair to everyone, but you do have to draw a line somewhere.

“Thank you for clicking on this Tim Tebow blog post.”

I’ll take that bet. The car is in Birmingham, which is a hoity-toity suburb in the metro area but not in the city.

It helps that the cameramen(people?) are shooting from knee level so they’re looking UP at the butts. What is that even about? What genius thought this up? Because I want to shake his hand.

You know its not lately right? Rates are actually dropping, but the incidents were never considered news before, so now every incident is being reported. Expecting the media to run a story about racism in the media is probably too much to ask.

Whoa whoa whoa dude are you nuts?! 50% chance? What the fuck world do you live on? I’m pretty sure no matter what race you are you would act exactly like that guy: Oh shit, I just hit a cop car! C’mon man sometimes people get so involved in talking about race they forget about normal people and act as if one race no