Vulcan With a Mullet

Morty could go either way. He has some Jerry and some Rick in him. That conflict will be a rich one. Summer is already way over to the nihilistic Rick side, and Beth is just a mess, so Morty may have to step up and be the foot of conformity.

I was just re-watching the episode and thinking along the very same lines. Beth and the family are clearly a mess without Jerry, even though he's the hated loser. He is a necessary leg of sanity for them to stand on. This episode brought that home in a really direct way - I never missed Jerry more in a way. And I

Pretty dark… for a pickle.

What fascinates me about this article is how this one guy goes viral out of all the thousands of public urinations that happen every month upon unwitting and witting people at music festivals. I'm guessing it was the presence of the 10 year old girl.

Nomad, Vagabond
Public Urinator
Call Me What You Will

We are all Sean, and Sean is us.

"You the fool I pity!"

Swartzwelder is probably my favorite of the Simpsons writers, even though he also wrote one of my least favorite episodes, Homer's Enemy.

Of the Conan-era episodes, I actually prefer Homer goes to College

I miss Roy

Not to mention blue balls

As a Vulcan With a Mullet, I couldn't agree more.

"Spitzer and the Mooch" rolls off the tongue even better!

Elevator pitch:

I was stuck in the maze looking for an exit before I saw that you were supposed to just make it to the goddamn egg

"He’s been lying his whole life, almost reflexively, and it’s almost as if he finds it more satisfying and easier than to speak with precision."
While NOT a Trump apologist, I feel like I should point out that this essentially defines "politician" as a career trait.
That's why he is where he is, folks. People eat up

Richard "Aphex Twin" James could do a good Joker too


Moon Person? Sounds speciesist to me

I hope the screenwriters retain the strong themes of sex, vegetation and postcolonial shame that ran through the subtext of the Fruit Ninja novel series