Vulcan With a Mullet

Time moves at a different pace for a writer who loves to describe every character's daily menu and genealogy rather than wrapping up plot points

Part of my strategy is to appear incompetent. It gets you ahead in human society. It also helps in down-managing others' expectations so you can exceed them when you choose.
This is just basic social knowledge. Ask any husband who has "managed" his chore list by strategically fucking up some things

No worries, there are plenty of poor people with usable eyes out there, POTUS can have a fresh one harvested any time he likes

ooh snap I just made the same comment 7 minutes too late

Steve Bannon is free now and he would make a pretty passable Hutt

Don't go onto Facebook.

I would ignore The Internet too. They're basically a boring, mediocre nu-soul band.

The really interesting coincidence is that guys who do this will remain celibate for life, just like their brethren on the actual Night's Watch!

Every time I see his face I skip another night of drinking.

I prefer my Haagen-Dazs vanilla mixed with chocolate syrup myself

What are the stats for searches involving both breasts AND avocados?
Just saying, I know of at least one.
He's… a friend. Yeah, that's it. A friend

I'm getting an Elmore Leonard vibe from this
Hopefully Soderbergh can do "redneck heist" better than Baby Driver did

Not expecting an actual source from you or anything of course

"I was looking for faux dive. This is real dive!"

Mental deficiency often does a lot to increase confidence. So much so that humans induce it with ethyl alcohol as often as possible.

And the world needs to get rid of Twitter and Nazis both

Boy, sure hope somebody got fired for that blunder

Ducktales was pretty deep, or entertaining and smart anyway (not "Rick & Morty" philosophical deep, but still)
The Duck comics of Carl Barks were some of the best adventure comics for kids ever written and drawn, and Ducktales brought a lot of those stories to a new generation in a really fun way.
I enjoyed Ducktales

Time to get out of the stunt harness, grandpa, your 29-year-old girlfriend doesn't want a cripple in bed

"Seasoned" is perfect