Vulcan With a Mullet

Also, multiple consciousnesses already exist in our bodies. But that's something you only realize if you pay too much attention to your own wetware

I think it would feel normal to both people. Mind bending if you think about it too much, but technically we recreate our selves by constantly recycling our atoms, and that doesn't seem to bother our inner minds too much. It's just software… you can make copies of the original and they go on about their merry way,


I'm invested in this persona. That's why I jump on these kinds of stories

You're right - I was just thinking of wave collapse. Entanglement isn't the same thing as pair production.
Apologies - I'm not a quantum physics guy. I'm more of a shade-tree mechanic Vulcan.

The bandwidth in transmitting a human really goes through the roof.

You bet! But the main difference here is that a photon, being an elementary gauge boson, produces an entangled pair that essentially is its own antiparticle. Attempting to replicate this with particles of matter will create animatter and run into problems with annihilation with other matter… that's wave collapse that

Yeah, it's all semantics. Or as I like to call it, "Public Relations"

That's why I'm a proponent of good, old-fashioned warp speed travel. No killin' necessary, just a bubble of space-time skipping across the surface of reality like God intended.

I feel duty bound to throw some cold water on this discussion by pointing out that a photon is not really an object, since it has no mass. But baby steps, people! Baby steps! Soon you'll be beaming shit aboard shit just like us Vulcans! Just give it a couple hundred years, try not to blow yourselves up first, k?

*cough* Winter Soldier *cough*

I always get the Last Legion mixed up with the Clive Owen Arthur. I think they are either the same movie in alternate universes or I was just drunk and had a long night with Netflix I'd rather forget.

You're all just a bunch of Bors.

I got a virus…. and the only cure is Cyrus.

I just saw it. It's good, but it is pretty much what I expected. Yeah, if you know Refn you know what you're getting into. Lots to chew on, ha ha.
Echoes of David Lynch and Harmony Korine.
I think the experiments of Only God Forgives are put to much better effect here in the service of a plot that's part body horror,

I love that May line. "Don't give me hope." It says so much. She is cutting that shit OFF in her head and her heart.

Kaiju lives matter.
More so than stomped human lives matter. I'm sure of that.

Well said - it was a great movie until the last 15 minutes, and that doesn't erase the enjoyment I got, but this made me feel a WHOLE LOT like I was reading a classic era Stephen King novel. Well done drama wit psychological uneasiness, up until the end, when you suddenly have to (spoilers) blow shit up to resolve the

Not accurate, a warning sign by definition exists BEFORE the vehicle goes off the cliff.

I liked this movie immensely when the only way I could see it was on a small TV under headphones in a booth of my college library's A/V department. I can only imagine how awesome it would be on the big screen. Falstaff is a bastard but he has many sides and this film is probably the biggest facet of the "Falstaff was