Vulcan With a Mullet

Exactly. He has to be sorry about something, otherwise everything would be off-balance. That's why they probably keep replacing his arm and wiping his memory, every 6 months or so, just so he never gets too comfortable :)

Yes, well I was just channeling his dead spirit, sorry about that. But any further questions may be submitted to my email address t' and I will attempt to reach his unsettled soul by some kind of Vulcan handwavey mojo.
Oh, never mind! I just got this message back immediately via

Her breasts will go in reverse. That's how sex works, right?

As Christopher Marlowe, I immediately request that my butchered lines be removed from Will Shakespeare's Henry IV Part 2! I never consented to that abuse of my blank rhyme!

This is exactly the analogy I went for… it's like the first movies were grilled cheese sandwiches, the prequels were shit, and The Force Awakens was at least back to grilled cheese again, although it still has a little shit left in it.

The The The The AV Club is nothing if not an echo chamber.AV Club is nothing if not an echo chamber.AV Club is nothing if not an echo chamber.AV Club is nothing if not an echo chamber.

Yeah… what I'm liking about this season of SHIELD (besides their reproduction of the great mix of pulp and angst that characterized the Silver Age comics) is the mixture of current references and classic tropes in the writing. Maybe it's just an illusion but I loved the way this episode played off the Martian and 2001

Like I said… you are basically in outer space when you are climbing Everest. It's like being on Mars or the Moon.

In a universe where black people did the stupid things white people do, like climb steep frozen rocks into what is basically outer space, you would be totally allowed. But fortunately, no black people were harmed during the making of this film.

Well said and I agree… I actually like there to be empathy and heart as well as surrealist fuck-it-all-ism. It's a hard line to walk that only very specific Simpsons, Futurama, and maybe Venture Bros has reached…

Just saying, there is a tendency here to overthink this show, situated as it is between pedantic-geek fanland and absurdist-stoner fanland. I like R&M because it walks that line very finely. Futurama did that too, but it (most often) didn't have heart… and I sense heart in Rick & Morty. It is a mature show… surreal,

"We're going to the Pentagon…the one on Earth. The lame one."

Also love how he swings back and forth - from being atheist, to praying to God to save his ass, then back to "There is no God! In your face, God!" hahahaha love it

It was a great episode. I was a little scared, though… I almost felt an emotion conveyed through Chloe Bennet. Does this mean I'm gaining some kind of power? The… POWER TO FEEL??
Seriously though, she needs to break up the deadpan a bit. Surely it's just UNDERacting, not failed acting…

That was epic. Twitterepic. I live in a world where such a thing is now a thing. And I'm good with that. Overexplainy is the murderer of comedy as we all know…

When you think about it, ALL names are made up.

Well they did their job convincing me that I miss Trip. Although I don't really remember much about his character at all, I was on board with the "Trip was so great" narrative. Especially since this was such a humorless and tense episode. Guess death sucks, true that!

It's dealing well with its new-found fame. I hear it's starting a new band called Nine Inch Snails.

It was pretty great. I want to see it again but I'm scared to… and that's the highest praise I can have for a horror movie.

Hmmm, this is the kind of crazy shit I would normally peg on Japan. Russia, better keep those avant-garde artists back on Siberia watch!