Vulcan With a Mullet

I was cringing because the plot was so obviously setting Trip up for martyrdom up to the moment where he got shot… I was like, "no! Don't let him become another Black Guy Sacrificial Lamb!" lol. But I guess they won't go so far as to actually kill off a major team member in mid-season.

I think they're doing the best they can with their budget, which might be faint praise but I really enjoy the almost pulpy, b-movie feel that it gives the show. It's like a scrappy Marvel comic from the 60s, stuff that could be hackwork that gets the job done with real passion. It's improved a lot and I look forward

Platinum, bitch… Platinum.

Actually, it's running up the inside of your leg and stealing your nuts.

Simple! The squirrels are funded by Putin.

"I don't wear glasses, but I do play a guy who wears them on TV."

This was how we watched all of our movies back in the day. Free with a pizza. It does help if you're high though.

R.I.P. Wesley

Or, with just one comma, it could be an address to a guy named Wish, letting him know you have visited this place before.

Not to mention the misplaced irregular in the original Shrek II title, Shruck.

That isn't all. I hear that "Inglourious Basterds" contained at least TWO intentional spelling mistakes. What is this world coming to? (checks Fox News) Ah, yes. Hell. That's the place.

Destination MOOOOOOOOON!

Can I turn your adaptation into a 12-episode HBO series? Shia is on for the lead. He's looking to turn his career around.

"Great, now we've pissed off the Moon market. Better do a rewrite and set it on Mars."

I'm cool with Disney cleaning up my human culture and narratives, as long as they're cool with me dying and sending my unfrozen carcass to the Cinderella Castle for my cremation ceremony.

Throw the Jew down the well…..

Nice onomatopoeia, that. "BRAM"! …. call-out to the ur-vampire writer himself

Ugh.. Sherbert Hoover.

I prefer the flavor "Warp Core Dump" although it was nixed after bad testings among non-Trekkies, plus the 99% of people who didn't want to eat anything with "Dump" in the name.

It could have been Iggy Pop's actual skin! That would be even better!