Vulcan With a Mullet

Can I just say that I think this universe has a little too much James Franco? And too much De Niro and Scorcese, while we're at it. And not nearly enough Iggy Pop. And maybe just the right amount of Harmony Korine, so let's not mess with that.

Congratulations, headline-writing forces of the universe: this wins the record for the "I-have-to-click-this-even-though-I-know-I'll-feel-self-loathing-for-19-days" effect.
Join your place in the echelon of shame, alongside chili cheese Fritos and that slutty bartender who works Tuesdays at the corner bar that you

It's got Zazz!

He looks like a sad dark puppy.

This ain't the kind of shit that will get you into the Bill Murray Adorable Public Encounter Hall of Fame.

yeah, I guess it would be boring if bullets just fell off his shield like snowflakes. Audiences expect a big ricochet and BANG!

Sometimes… comedy isn't fair. Actually, comedy is always not fair. Thank your chosen gods for that.

Elevator pitch: "It's like Mad Men, but of rock!"

Um, while we're talking about late night talkers… am I alone in assuming that, now that John Oliver has his own show, the Bugle podcast is dead? I hope not, but I understand and am prepared to deal with the loss should it occur.

Just saw it for the 3rd time. a Marvel movie first for me. Still great!

It takes a lot of neck-fat to feed a hydra head.

Just saw it for the 2nd time last night and it holds up great. Probably one of the best superhero films so far.
Also… as with most of the Marvel movies, I actually recommend seeing them in 3D. I saw this on a standard screen first go-round, and the 3D on the repeat viewing really underscores how much clearer and

Yeah, just saw it for the 2nd time last night and it was leaning against his bed.

Finally! We can hack the genetic code of intergalactic pop music! My army of algoRhythms are already churning out hook after hook for the next millenium. First example: "Good Girl, Baby of Time, give me your Quantity of Heart Life." Not only does it write itself, @AdAstraGames:disqus … it propagates itself. I

In the animal kingdom they call it presentin'….

I think Matthew McConaughey is in actuality J.R. "Bob" Dobbs.

That Spike Jonze win takes all the sting out of the Coen snub. And now I go to bed a satisfied, not smug, hipster Vulcan, with an unironic smile on my face.

I agree, but then we're adults and live on the East Coast. Or I assume you do, anyway, or somewhere Eastern or Central. It's fun to watch the theater kids have their little show, but somebody's gotta get up tomorrow morning and open the stock exchanges.

I'm tired. Isn't it time for Jared Leto Space Jesus to fly overhead for the big finale?

It could have been Elton John with "Candle in the Wind"