Vulcan With a Mullet

But what if the BAND… 
played the PLAY parts?

Ironically, this is the top critical comment for every Von Trier film.

OK, I'm with you. I demand diversity in this film. I want to see Morgan Freeman's and Ken Jeong's O-faces too!

One too many orgasms.

In fact, Christian virginity advocates should make an anatomically explicit sex-ed video with that Stellan image superposed over every participant's torso. That should cure teens of the sex urge for a few years at least.

You have a long way to go before you're even near the borders of "Von Trier Weird" territory.

OK Internet meme creators… don't let me down.
I'll be in the corner, weeping silently.

I'm busy penning the blockbuster that will defeat them all. 
Tiberius Kirk, Pilot of the Spheres, Part I.

Bad Goodman? (A hard-drinking, whoring Puritan)

OK, who paid off Assange to contribute to the viral marketing here?

"My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die. For there shall be only one. FREEEEEEEEEDOMMMMMMMMMM! Arya, child, we are done for dancing for the day. Run to your father. What do we say to the god of Death?  Crom! I have never prayed to you before, I do not have the tongue for it. If you will not

Ouch. Mr. Rogers thinks Sean should stop and think about how other people feel. Sometimes they get their feelings hurt. Do you get your feelings hurt? Probably not. Cold-hearted cynical bastard. Can you say "cynical," boys and girls? It's just a fancy adult way to say "he's lonely and sad." Have YOU ever been lonely

I plan to enjoy this streaming on Netflix, accompanied by a plate of Cuisses de grenouilles.

That computer won't have anything to worry about until the audiences become sentient.

Bilbo/Arthur Dent with a Fargo accent?
Hey… why not? 
Put me into that imagined universe, and get me ice fishing!

I was wondering why this mistake, and now I know. Because beer.
Makes sense.

Um, Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald was about Lake Superior, eh?
(Not Canadian, but the "eh" just spontaneously popped out of me)
Also known as Lake Gitchigami by the Ojibwe.

The Last Vampire 3 - Whatever Happened To All Those Vampires?

At least True Blood had the balls to include one or two non-attractive vampires. They both quickly died, but that's a start. Some day the non-beautiful vampires will have their own advocacy group, and maybe a movie of their own, like Revenge of the Vampire Nerds or something.

I was told that they created matte paintings for every frame of the giant flying saucer earthquake whirlpool!