Vulcan With a Mullet

So many good lines. I also really liked Jay's bit about "the elephant in the room" about Emma Watson, and the fact that everyone thought he was talking about Craig at first…

Samberg didn't even rank on my punchability meter until I became aware that he was regularly wrecking the lovely Joanna Newsom with his outsized comedic penis. Now I just weep. There's no energy left for punching.

"Counselors, approach the bench. Um… on second thought, stay back just a little, OK?"

Hey, they can't be all bad! Jack White collaborated with them! (Although it turns out that maybe he's pretty much a douchebag, too, so maybe there's no hipster bump there after all.)

I know, right? They've become so efficient! This is through decades of natural selection, like sharks.

I much preferred the business etiquette of Sociopathic Records, and their star talent, the Mildly Neurotic Part-Time Troop of Shriner Clowns. They always offered a dildo with a smile.

Sadly, what the plaintiff refers to as "sexual abuse" is simply "polite greetings" in Insane Clown Posse-Land.

Now that's a fashion show I would actually pay to see.
By coincidence, it also happens to be a Fiona Apple show I would actually pay to see.

And this is PRECISELY why the original screenplay was such a downer… until they brought in Damon Lindelof to put in a fog monster and a bunch of numerology shit. INSTANT CLASSIC!

Astronaut Corn! It's the corn of Astronauts!

Ha! I know, right? (Hands Dr Dastardly a beer) WHOOOOO! FREE BIRD! What were we here for again?


This guy is almost as good as Mark Levin and Michael Medved at spotting Hollywood propaganda. They should start a blog together.

I'd rather see Lena Headey in the role myself!

Its superpower is being able to sway up to 6 feet in high winds!

Pitch to producer: "It's just like Titanic, but with a building! Except the building doesn't sink, or get destroyed in any way! It just gets built! Really slow! Yeah, maybe we can cgi some people falling off of it or something."

Heart, face, smile, human ass, baboon ass… they're all really the same, when you get down to it.

(Chatting to Drew Barrymore at cocktail party)

I actually agree with the Lynch comparison, but I would argue that Lynch is the one who has less soul. (Okay, the soul is cold and existential in Refn, but it's there, on the dream-level.)

I saw it last night on XFinity.
My main take is pretty much what everyone else thought… all style, poor surface rehash of "Drive", beyond heavy-handed on the Oedipus/Hamlet angle, written like a one-up/love note to Gaspar Noe. 
Much like I felt when I first saw Lynch's "Wild At Heart" 2 decades ago… I never felt like I