So this book/movie is basically “a penis can ‘cure’ a lesbian” ? Via throwing trans people under the bus too?
So this book/movie is basically “a penis can ‘cure’ a lesbian” ? Via throwing trans people under the bus too?
I’m guessing at least some people don’t realize that it’s not legal.
Aaand there’s the slippery slope of the Hobby Lobby decision. This is basically a “your existence offends my religion and therefore I get to fire you.” And of course they’ll openly say this only applies to Christian/Catholics.
I also sometimes see it as a sexist brag. Not always. But even some of the women quoted here are acting superior for having boys? Like not understanding “little men” is a weird flex? Granted, it’s not new that having boys is more celebrated than having girls. Just sad that women partake in it.
It’s Enlightened Centrism meets Cool Girl White Feminism.
But if they’re female then they may not be able to work anywhere else. Because lots of places can refuse to hire and/or fire you if you’ve done porn. They’re allowed to demand ‘code of conduct’ requirements.
So’re wrong. Men get paid more even when they’re on camera, and they don’t have the shelf life a female actress does.
Not if they do gay porn.
Yeah and he said it right after saying “men.” Red flags all the way through.
Thank you. “Just as disgusting” - no. Fuck off. Pantsing someone is not akin to Epstein or Weinstein-level crimes.
This part was a red flag too
She doesn’t explore the jungle in a bikini though. In some of the games you have unlockable outfits, and I know there’s a couple bikinis there. But it’s honestly just a normal bikini, not ridiculously gratuitous.
No one is arguing for a fat Tomb Raider.
That wetsuit actually exists too. It’s not like they tore the pants off to make it sexier. Here’s one Nike makes.
Yep! They chose Tomb Raider which is arguably an incredibly empowering game for women to play. Just like men have their power fantasies with Kratos, I had mine with Tomb Raider. She was badass. In was fun playing as her. And tbh, her outfits weren’t ever THAT ridiculous. Everything she wore was based off stuff that…
Also it doesn’t really sound like this study disproved the idea that sexualisation of women in video games impacts women’s body image, it just disproved that it’s a direct effect.
Funny because when corporations scam people no one cares. In fact, it’s all your fault for being so stupid.
They used CGI to make Spiner look younger. Didn’t work out so good. But imo this scene is either a dream or holodeck simulation which is why Picard admits he doesn’t want it to end. So that could also account for his airbrushed look.
I have no idea how you’re coming to the conclusion that this is a remake of Annie Hall.