
She’s a woman who attacks other women for the benefit of men.

She 100% already has insane stalkers. Even if she wasn’t trolling, she’s a cute girl on the internet. Would have already happened. 

Misogynists will hate women no matter what. And they’ll be loud about it.

Both men and women do the ‘lock of hair’ thing though. That’s actually a pretty common thing throughout history. Idk many women who would buy bath water though. Maybe like a 1D or Beiber fan, but back in their heyday.

She thinks we get sidetracked in arguments about whether a man should compliment a woman’s appearance. Cruz sees this as a distraction from the base issue.

Women need to learn you don’t get a pass just because you have a vagina

Actions have consequences.


False accusations diminish the severity of real assault.

Bet that happens with the new pros soon. My company just forced everyone to upgrade and I noticed mine gets hot for no reason at all. Great sign. 

Yeah I enjoyed the gender-swap part in that it was Wong’s character who made the grand gesture in the end. I thought it was meh overall too but I totally teared up at that part. :P

Mayor Pete wants to transform the Supreme Court by, among other things, adding six more justices and reserving five seats for Republicans, five seats for Democrats, and five seats for mythical people who have risen through the ranks of institutional power to such an extent that they are being considered for a Supreme

It occurs to me that incels aren’t even really incels. If they didn’t insist on getting sex from only the most beautiful women, they could probably get laid.

If he was only bilking incels, yeah. 

Incels think they know women better than women do. It’s all a part of their insane misogyny. 

They won’t make that discovery. I’ve been to their forums and seen their pictures. Most of them have some severe body dysmorphia happening. They look well enough to get dates already. It’s 100% their misogyny that’s putting women off. 

Incels also argue that women get similarly invasive procedures regularly and aren’t criticized.

Then you’re being willfully ignorant of reality.

I guess so. But you are preaching to the choir. Get upset at the conservative women for not supporting pro choice, instead of getting upset at liberal men for not doing enough.

No, I’m saying that cis-men aren’t the game here.