
Advocating taking away power from women and giving it to men seems... Not very feminist.

Unlike the assertion of the article, which was that cis-gendered men are the ENTIRE problem.

To add to your point - I’ve seen some men respond to this with “well, you can’t do a DNA test until after the kid is born.” Which is true. But in those cases just make it all back paid.

I can understand that. And I bet you’ve seen the “No uterus, no opinion” type memes.

So’re pisspants mad that someone asked men to stand up for women’s rights.

But cis men don’t fight for it to stay legal like women do.

The point is that anti-choice men are vocal and aggressive. Yes, there are a lot of anti-choice women. But who is driving most of the laws? It’s men. You can cherry pick the handful of women doing it, but the vast majority are male.

Make it so that men have the opportunity to opt out of parenthood, just like women do, and then you’ll have an easier fight from the apathetic. 

it’s by men AND especially, other women.

Here’s my take on the sex’s going to happen anyway if abortion is made illegal.

The positive is devs getting more money.

I don’t think he can experience shame. And he’s gaining subs.

Unfortunately none of them will actually be negatively affected by this. They will all continue to be popular internet trash. 

I’m guessing you don’t live in a city. There’s plenty of valid reasons to take a cab/uber/lyft. I could long as it’s not below 0. As long as it’s not after a certain point of the night. As long as I don’t need to be somewhere fast. 

Sex thing!? This looks like a horror movie thing. 

It’s his dipshit stans. They’re going all over the place pretending to be naive about the situation. 

So you admit you know nothing about the situation or any of the terrible shit James Charles has done. BUT it’s a great moment to pass judgement on a woman.

Why has E.L James not yet had this epiphany? Is she actively trying to write smut for tweens?

That seems to be the way to do it these days. Pick a popular book or celebrity, write a fanfic about them. If the fanfic does well, change all the necessary names and self-publish it. 

That’s because his fans are hypocrites on their third marriage, and also talk a lot of deep fried country horse shit.