America is fucking broken. We can’t even afford to feed our children, but all the Republicans are concerned with is making abortion illegal and spending billions on a worthless wall.
America is fucking broken. We can’t even afford to feed our children, but all the Republicans are concerned with is making abortion illegal and spending billions on a worthless wall.
And already amassing a defensive and angry fanboy base. See - these comments.
We go off what we have. And right now he has no defined policies.
but I would’ve much rather spent a night drinking whiskey and playing board games with this type than trudging to the frat house to hang with chuggs and his bros
Ugh. Why couldn’t I have been born a mediocre white dude...
It’s cause you went for the white boy. They don’t like that. They’ll shit on PoC and women all day though. But how DARE you point out them being massive hypocrites when it comes to white male candidates they’ve decided to like for no real reason other than “he seems cool.”
We’ve got a bunch of great candidates and none of them will ever pass the purity test.
So nothing of substance. You like him cause he’s a white man.
So basically you’re triggered because someone was as harsh to a white man as you are to women and WoC.
Ha, you came for the nice white boy and are getting eaten alive.
Woman sells a topless photo of herself cause she was young and broke: YOU MAY NEVER TEACH AGAIN
He literally admits to torturing the dog tho. Anyone who can do that to THEIR OWN DOG is a monster. I have no trouble believing the other allegations based off that alone.
Idk if that’s true. Artists and designers still have something most don’t - talent and skill.
The study found that men pretend to know shit they don’t way more than women do
“launching pad for right-of-center counterculture.”
Ok can we talk about the fact that when it’s girls acting strangely or violent, teachers/law enforcement/everyone are quick to take action and prevent tragedies.
and is also portrayed as a misfit
I swear I am not trying to fat shame...I just think it’s interesting that for the movie they cast a conventionally attractive thin woman to play her.
Yeah, it’s not supposed to change minds. That’s just the PR spin.
Taking photos of them and their license plates and putting them on the internet too. I’m sure that didn’t make it into the movie lol.