
Isn’t the idea of the pro-choice movement to not interrogate a woman’s motives for the choice she makes?

Regarding the sleeplessness of those first few days: you do realize that’s a feature, not a bug, right?

I’m guessing all the toiletries are in what appears to be drawers on the front of that thing?

Did you read the article? He’s also going after women who don’t even post about porn, but have been in porn previously.

Thiiis. There are so many male porn accounts, but he doesn’t give a fuck about those.

“It makes you seem more approachable” - even if I didn’t know who this asshat was, I’d avoid like the plague. Look at that crazy fucking face. Yikes. 

The movie looks cringe but somewhat harmless. I wonder if it contains any of the slut-shaming, misogyny, and abusive crap the books did? Maybe they cleaned that up like 50 shades tried to?

In his mind, that’s not murder - that’s self defense, and just punishment of the criminal.

But consenting adults need to also consider the repercussions of the sexual relationship that they’re gonna have, which is a child,” Tinderholt said.

Wasn’t that a fun irl twist ending? ...finding out that we’re all actually in the darkest timeline...

I guess it could be worse

We need it. Let’s start with the assholes who abuse animals. World would be better without them. 

Same thing should happen to people like you, honestly. World would be a lot better off. 

So you have to wonder what it’d take today. Nothing seems to get done unless the wealthy want it done. And their propaganda machines have too many middle class/poor people supporting policies that harm the social safety net.

and wrenches the story away from a serial killer who’s been elevated to the point of fascinated worship.

Bet you anything the real reason he got tired of Japan is cause he couldn’t find a “perfect” and “subservient” Japanese girlfriend.

Her “defending masculinity” is apparently just defending a man’s right to be shitty to women.

Yet no one defended me when I stood for masculinity and God’s design for sexuality

You’re so scared of mean girls disagreeing with you. :( That’s why you keep dismissing my comments, isn’t it? :( :(