
I know she’s divorced now, but she’s got to be really desperate to want to fuck a song that badly.

Absolutely. WaPo published an in-depth investigation last year into Obama’s struggles to both get the word out and punish the Russians for their interference, and GOP leaders, including McTurtle, pretty much shut it down.

To be serious for a second, I think it’s a stylized rendition of either the palatine rugae (the ridges on your hard palate) or the fauces (the fleshy arches your tonsils are located between).

Alternately, “You are tearing me apart, Lisa”

People’s resilience and ability to not be physically harmed by words is not a reason to perpetuate demeaning and hateful expressions, even if they’ve lost some of that ugliness over time. I get what you’re saying here (they’re only words, right?), but this concept of “people just shouldn’t take it the wrong way” is

It’s been years since my ex tried to strangle me to death, but to this day, I can’t wear turtlenecks or button my shirt all the way up (I feel like I’m choking), let anyone touch my neck, or let a strand of my hair fall on it.

Have you played Hollow Knight? The map in that game is very... interesting. It doesn’t show your position on the map - not even which room you’re currently in - unless you have a specific charm enabled. Considering you can only activate a certain number of charms, and they otherwise give you stuff like greater attack

I find “breakfast syrup” (a la Mrs. Butterworth’s) to be a crime against God and Nature, particularly in the northeast, where actual syrup is produced (and therefore expected).

Yeah, this “every homophobe must be gay” thing is getting tiring. I get that it has some baring in fact, but there are plenty of straight people that are just hateful. Also, I get that the idea is dunking on him for being a hypocrite, but the setups sure seem to be close to jokes where the punchline is being gay, not

Let us just get this out of the way, the sexuality of Mike Pence is not important. Who cares what his sexuality is? What is important is that he has a valid policy stance to hurt and endanger the lives of LGBTQ people regardless of how he feels satisfied behind closed doors. Mike Pence articles always turn into these

I was over at A.V. Club, posting about This is Us, and how I would also go back into my burning house for the dog(s). Someone told me this was a horrible thing to do to my children. I said I don’t have any children. I was then told that when I did have children I’d understand. I responded I’m 49 and 1/2 and have 4

For a “five-deferment draft dodger,” as Sen. Tammy Baldwin so eloquently put it

I call those boys the Nerd Reich.

Passion of the Christ 2: Judgement Day

Sous vide.

I’ll bet someone with an Instant Pot will chime in with a “You can, but it’s so much easier/better/more magical with an Instant Pot.”

Quick question: can I do possum and taters in the slow cooker?

The majority of rendering plants do not accept euthanized pets any more. Those few that do send the resulting commodity for fertilizer.

I just use straight-up Avocado, fresh garlic, a little salt, a dash of cumin and lime juice and, on occasion, fresh cilantro.
I try not to mash or stir the Avocado too much. I prefer it chunky and the lime juice already softens it up.