
I feel like if there was a dating sim with full bisexual options and you could just hang out and cuddle it would be an incredibly successful mobile game.

Okay so it’s not really “gross” and I probably told this story before, but it’s still hilarious to me.

Sorry you guys it is a favorite of mine: My mother once woke up from a dream wherein she was skateboarding like an all out pro. She then announced that maybe she “could” skate because since she had never tried before how would she know that she couldn’t. (Rock solid logic, there, Mom.) We are down the street with

For a BDSM bear parade, Folsom Street Fair is September 25th in San Francisco...

My friends and I still use the “BULLETS WON’T STOP IT!” line occasionally, all these years later. (First read the book when it came out.)

This book was given to me as a boy in 1987 by a well-meaning aunt who knew I liked Star Trek. That copy is long gone, but it may have changed my life.

When people foolishly asked me to sign their yearbook, I would make a large X with a black marker.

Melissa Rauch actually had a good point when she was talking about the inspiration for her movie “The Bronze.” She just didn’t understand how a commentator could say “oh, and they’ll have to settle for the bronze,” because, hey, that person is in the top 3 in the world - what’s settling about that?

Good catch. Bunch of fucking misogynists. You nailed it. The young ladies are on the brink of suicide because of these assholes.

Tim Daggett is the worst when it comes to this. Before a skill, for no reason, he’ll be like “If she were to fall on this, IT WOULD BE CATASTROPHIC!” Jesus, dude. As Molly said up there ^ I like the live stream commentators better. Chattier and more relaxed.

Congrats to Laurie for earning a silver. And congrats to Simone for being able to save her routine and get a bronze. Simone’s body has to be so tired after so many days of competition.

NBC has it on their site:

Before I even had a chance to mention this to my wife she had already forwarded me this exact article and said “we do this, why do we do this??” I knew she was a keeper.

More because he cracks me up

My wife and I do this too. I never realized it was weird until just now. I have no friggin’ idea why I do it, it just seems perfectly natural to look over at her and grin and say “hey.” She does it first at least half the time, maybe SHE knows why. I’ll ask later.

My personal preference is “please clap.”

I just looked at the emails I do have, and I get ones like this from Kelsey. (Not to be confused with Chelsea)

I’m 66 years old. I became a feminist when I was 5, and my older sister was told she could “join” a model airplane club my father belonged to. She could pay dues, but not attend meetings or meet because she was a girl.(My father promptly “unjoined” that club!) I’ve been waiting 61 years for today.

I don’t know what you’re talking about.

wrong, frosted strawberry is the perfect flavor for a poptart shame spiral.