
They’re the best.

That was exactly my thought. They filmed a decent portion in Kathmandu, and as parts of Nepal are very culturally similar to Tibet, it would make sense in the story (which it doesn’t seem to now - why is a Celt hanging out in the Himalayas?). That way they could keep close to the original without pissing off the

Yeah, but Vulvagenius doesn't quite have the same ring to it.

A married couple we know recently got pregnant, and sent my wife and me an online survey to rank potential baby names.

As an atheist who is very much against all the laws that exist based on religious belief...I feel like the Church of Satan does satirical protest right, and these guys are just annoying (and not a little misogynist.... “heaven has a stripper factory”? ughhhhhh)

Depends on what you’re looking for, but the Smart Bitches, Trashy Books website has tons of reviews of romance novels and adventure or sci-fi or mystery novels with a dash of romance, or movies that aren’t even related to romance but are awesome. You can also look up book reviews by grade (A+, A, A-, B+, etc).

“Fuck. So close.”

I’ll never forget the tremendous, nearly overwhelming relief I felt when I learned other women had dark, curly nipple hairs, too. And my fiance legit does not give a single, solitary fuck when I go too long without shaving them (or shaving any other part, for that matter).

Hey, hope everyone is having a great Saturday. I just wanted to thank you for all the replies and the support I got last SNS (when I vented about my husband being unable to follow directions to make proper poop watercolors). I read some of the links you guys posted and it was really eye-opening, while also validating

I call it “The Bloods.” I am having The Bloods right now actually. And I hate that it’s still somehow not polite to say to others to explain why we don’t feel well.

That is so metal. It sounds like something from medieval times

My gf tries to do the same thing, except she’s far more descriptive. She relishes telling me how chunks of uterine lining are sloughing off and the slow oozing of blood makes it gross no matter how she sits or lays down, and on and on she goes. And I’m like, “okay so you want ice cream or not?” The answer, btw, for

I just said this to my boyfriend yesterday! He was like, “Do you need a tourniquet?” in an equally unflappable voice. :)

“I’ve got red in my ledger,” a la Natasha Romanov, is my favorite.

I tell my partner I’m “bleedy”......

Ok, so that's great. It sounds so...horrific. I love it.

Does it...flap him?

my sister and I call it “brewing a menses”