
Just as a thought, from someone who likes dim and music:
Dim = just kind of romantic, plus I personally think people look nicer in soft lighting
Music = nice background noise so I don’t get in my head too much about slurpy/weird noises
So it’s not so much that we can’t see, or need a rhythm, but more about setting a mood

Yeah, last time a gentleman friend put mood music on, I started giggling uncontrollably every time he matched up with the beat until he finally just got up and turned it off.

Thank you. It’s bad enough with the lights off, but then sometimes I’m wearing my glasses and I have to take them off, so I’m really not getting much of a visual and it sucks.

The Puritan Backroom is also the name of my Salem Witch Hunt-themed gay sex dungeon.

It came in the mail? Sounds messy.

It came in the mail? Sounds messy.

My fav... he was little shit but I’m a sucker for dark endings.

Thank you! Yep, that’s my Ira when he was a baby. He’s a mature gentleman now and a perfect crank- a veritable Bernie Sanders of a cat, complete with Bernie’s old hair.

We’ve been lobbying for a book with illustrations by Tara Jacoby.

As a food scientist, I can tell you that sex is extremely important in food preparation. It’s not a matter of gender; it’s entirely biological. A few science facts:

You can do this thing! And they’ll forever have the pleasure of telling the story of their ungrateful sinner child...unless they manage to grow out of their prejudice (doubtful).

I would totally go to church with you.

You are a Vulcan! And a bookworm at that! I can only congratulate you for surviving this long and then congratulate you some more for you only have one semester left! It’s only logical you will board a spaceship and leave the swamp.

The fetus and the Jesus thing is really fucked up.

Yes it’s horrible, but at least you know it’s all bullshit. At least you can laugh on the inside and it’s got to be super funny watching everyone react to it. I’m a straight up, open and out Atheist so at least I don’t have to pretend all this shit is true even with my family. We’re out there. You can be one of us if

I hope they are paying for college :-) If they are, just try to think of it like working for a terrible boss. You’re just doing it until you can get out of there and live your glorious, sinful life. When do you graduate?

That stinks. Church was still a bunch of fairy tales for grown ass adults who should have known better when I was a kid, but it was full of nice side elements - beautiful music, beautiful spaces made of beautiful, high-quality materials, family, friends, and mainly uplifting/inspiring stories about helping those less

I’m going to have to hear more about this poem because it sounds amazing tbh (though not in the way your parents think it is).

Oi. That blows. I hope your family can know and accept you one day when you're ready. And if they are dicks about it, at least one person from the Internet likes you just as you are. I suspect many more also.

Ugh. I think I have seen that poem before. I’m so sorry you had to sit through it.

Abortion Holocraust poem. I'm so sorry you had to endure that.