
Good luck. :/

Oh, that’s fucked up. I’m sorry. :(

I am flying 100% solo tonight. Just me and a pizza.

Now playing

I prefer this one (dated, and sorry for the ad, but it’s pretty great):

What is it about girls who like LOTR, I mean?? For a series with all of two women in it, there are a lot of lady fans who ended up LGBT.


Out of curiosity, I found this exact same product on the “chocolatier”’s website:

I have one where I went the extra mile.

Peaches? That’s awesome. A fuzzy gold star for you.

Definitely for the best, ‘cause anytime you saw a bull or a swan or even a sunbeam, you’d have to wonder if it was your ex.

When I was still on Livejournal a lot, and obsessed with Star Trek fan fiction (hello ontd_st and pinto communities!), I had a large crush on Spock/Zachary Quinto.

This is perfect.

It starred Harlan Ellison. Not young scrappy Harlan either.

Not myyyy dream, but still awesome/hilarious: I used to work at a talent agency, and a very high-profile actress was on the phone with my boss during a conference call and suddenly out of nowhere she goes: “Oh my god! I just remembered that I had the weirdest dream last night! It was a sex dream about Dwayne ‘The

This was in perhaps eighth grade, and I’d had zilch in the way of sexual experiences, not even a kiss—hell, I hadn’t even masturbated. But the horny teenage body works in mysterious ways, and so one night, I bumped into my long-time crush (a nerdy redhead who, in real life, eventually came out as gay. I never had a

I am married and have been married for 10 years but years ago, I started having this recurring sex dream with an old Ex in it, actually 2 Exes ago.

This one is my husband’s, and it’s my favorite.

I’ve had that dream but since it was a scene for scene of the building buster it’s not worth entering. (badum hiss)

Alex Trebek. We were going to town, sweaty and frantic and he kept yelling, “Who is....your daddy?” over and over again like they phrase it on Jeopardy. Suddenly he pulled out and I was standing naked in front of the studio audience, crying.

Hold up... I thought Lucas got bought out. She killed him? I mean, I didn’t like the prequels either, but that seems harsh, Carrie.