
This story only starts out like a horror story. It was horrible for me at the time. My boyfriend and I were celebrating our first Thanksgiving together. It was also just a couple years since my Mom died, a loss which had blasted a huge hole in our family. We scattered after that and had Thanksgivings either alone or

I hear Tahiti is a magical place...

Shot through the tongue

I don’t have the joules but occasionally I do get the erg

We didn’t have the internet in school (or most homes) when I was in elementary school, but in 5th or 6th grade our favorite library time activity was looking up ‘sex’ and other dirty words in the big Oxford dictionary. It did not teach us anything about what sex actually was.

He was ultimately charged with fifth-degree assault.

I’ll tell one. I had a patient come in one time, an older black gentleman, snappily dressed and complaining of a chronic cough. On the X-Ray, you could see the telltale white dots of shotgun bird-shot. I leaned back in and said “Excuse me, but by chance were you ever peppered with lead?”

Serena for prez

My aunt proposed to my uncle on the beach, back in the 80s when that was a bit scandalous :)

Clearly this is you.

I used to work in a very remote town, while living in my hometown 30 miles away. I was 20 and my Dad had just secured me my very first car to make the commute, it was a mid 1990’s Thunderbird with oxidizing paint, leaked every fluid I put into it, and had shitty gas mileage. Needless to say I was in love.

People can be super weird when they sleep. One time my husband was mumbling in his sleep, super agitated, and I was trying to calm him down and he said “shut up, ya pinko commie!” In Canada. In the 1990s. At the age of 20-something. It was like he was channeling a dead Republican from the Nixon years.

I’m a guy, and this horrifies me more than I can express.

Here is the repost:

I haven’t seen his penis because I prefer to avoid non-consensual nude photography but its constant reference on this website is making that almost an impossible ethical standard to uphold.

I just experienced truly unfortunate timing as the pic on the left joined the pic on the right to make my screen a literal and figurative sausagefest.

As a Bernie supporter, I wanna say, “God dammit!” but I gotta respect her ability to put up with BS for that long. This whole situation has been very strange indeed.

My best friends dad has a friend named Richard. I thought I was really clever by making up the nickname “Bitchard” for him until I learned his last name. the guy's name is for real Dick Bacon