
Oh, I *want* this. I’m imagining little packets of mint chutney taking the place of Taco Bell sauce packets.

Batman Forever, I think, holds up incredibly well. The action sequences are coherent as Burton’s, the lighting is eye-popping, and Jim Carrey’s performance as the Riddler is a true tour de force.

Here’s my hot tip: The zillions of books and online resources for gardening can be helpful, but they’re likely not tailored to where you live. For weirdly specific Baltimore problems (rats?!?), I bet your local branch of the University of Maryland Extension has weirdly specific advice to match. They should also have

Or a small clover-like woodland plant. (Which, coincidentally, is also pleasantly sour thanks to containing oxalic acid.)

Amen and amen. I’ll admit — growing up with real maple syrup completely spoiled me for the fake stuff. Any time I went to a sleepover and there were pancakes in the morning, I’d eat ‘em plain rather than pouring abominable sickly sticky “pancake syrup” on top. Bleh!

I made one of these for Mr. Vulcanbookworm’s birthday a couple of years ago and it was absolutely lovely. It also felt like an accomplishment — it was my first time making a layered cake (much less a yeasted one) and my first time making custard. Good memories! Now that my baking skills are significantly better, it

I grew up in Springfield, MO and was mildly flabbergasted when I first learned that our “cashew chicken,” to me the most simple and familiar of American-Chinese fast food dishes, looked different elsewhere in the US. It’s salty savory comfort food. I favor more flavorful dishes nowadays but as a kid/teen I definitely

Therapy can only help, I’m sure, but re. that flashback scene:

As someone who resoundingly Does Not Give A Shit about image quality, I watch things on my laptop 98 percent of the time; for the remaining 2 percent I’m perfectly happy with shining my cheap-ass tiny-ass projector on my nubbly off-white ceiling after dark. :P

God, yeah, I made the same mistake. The popcorn tasted bizarre — I’m not sure what I expected MSG to do to the flavor, but boy it sure did SOMETHING bad. Even tipsy I couldn’t bring myself to eat the whole batch. :( 

I came **this close** to joining the local roller derby team last August, despite having never once actually skated on anything but in-line skates. But they had a booth at the local Pride festival, and I’m so weak for muscular queer gals, and also I want to BE a muscular queer gal...

That’s beautifully articulated, thank you.

I still compulsively think “Double rainbow! All the way across the sky!” every time I see a double rainbow. 

If y’all haven’t seen “Demolition Man” yet, you need to get on that. I almost hesitate to call it so-bad-it’s-good, because... it’s goofy, but it also succeeds in being exactly what it set out to be? So maybe it’s just good?

I bought a copy of this recipe zine, Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Quarantine, created by a bunch of comic artists. Sales are being split amongst them. They’re simple, quarantine-friendly recipes, pleasingly illustrated.

These make sense to me... maybe with a tiny dash of fish sauce? If we’re going Thai, might as well try for the full salty-spicy-sour-sweet-savory-funky balance. :)

“I discovered in my 40-year career as a personal energy specialist that every person I ever worked with has blocked energies.”

I simultaneously desire and fear the mandoline... I covet those practically see-through slices, but I’ve literally watched my mother cut the tip of her finger off while using one and I KNOW I inherited her hand-eye coordination (or lack thereof).

I recently was made aware that a tortilla (crisped in a cast-iron skillet, then thrust beneath the broiler) makes a more-than-decent base for a crispy personal-size Flammekueche... my life will never be the same

Sounds like a feature rather than a bug to me! :)