
There was this Indian buffet in my hometown where we liked to go eat on Sundays after church. It was dimly lit and had kinda tacky decor, but none of that matters when the chai is hot and the naan is always fresh and the saag paneer is just spicy enough.

I whipped up some shallot-bacon Tarte Flambée recently (using a tortilla as the base) and oh MAN were they good. Lacking fromage blanc, I substituted 1 cup cream cheese thinned with 1/2 cup Greek yogurt (with a lil grated parm mixed in, because I’m livin’ deliciously). It’s super-fast comfort food with a deceptively

Something in the fudge pack gives me hives. :( 

And he’s planning to lift the (weak-ass) stay-at-home order he did finally implement May 4. Wheeee!

IMO, Qdoba’s the superior of the two — it’s definitely more flavorful, and you can add guac for free at Qdoba. A Qdoba burrito was my post-Tae Kwon Do tournament dinner of choice as a kid; it’s just a giant comforting brick of food.

Oh, this is *brilliant*... I don’t make cocktails often, but I make tea on the daily. Thank you!

I think I recall hearing about that episode — funny thing was, if I’m remembering correctly, Lassie was played by a male dog and they had to schmear something tasty on his belly so the puppies would “suckle” him. He hated it.

As you wish! Cw: half a nipple

Is this where I post my slutty Mad Max apocalypse look for attention? 

So many details of these books have stuck with me: the incident with the bluing rinse, Beezus’s dreadful haircut, the tense parental spat over the turned-off slow-cooker, Ramona’s anti-smoking campaign... I must’ve read the series over and over again as a child. Beverly Cleary just Got It. Happy birthday to her!

I’m with ya. Half of it’s random luck, and if you’re a fairly casual player who hasn’t raided much lately (me!) and you don’t have the new hot competitive mon you’re kinda fucked

Unfortunately, I suck at Go League. :P

I’m having trouble finding it for streaming ... might I ask where you’re watching it?

‘Twas a shitty attempt at a pun... But that’s good to know!

Talk about a dishonorable discharge...

I’m a grapefruit gal myself, but I respect your perspective!

Bless you and thank you. That sounds like a great solution!

I’m ashamed to admit how much I liked the Naked Chicken Chalupa (and how much I still miss it). :(

Welcome back, Kevin! This sounds absolutely lovely, except.... Mayonnaise is my nemesis. Please forgive me for being That Person, but are there any acceptable substitutes? Perhaps Greek yogurt? (Yeah, I know I probably wouldn’t be able to taste the mayo/feel the texture in this particular dish, but then I’d have the